Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Houellebecq, Michel

(Encyclopedia)Houellebecq, Michel mēshĕlˈ wĕlˈbĕk [key], b. 1958– or 1956–, French author, perhaps France's best-known contemporary novelist, b. Réunion as Michel Thomas. A literary pessimist and master ...

Reeve, Clara

(Encyclopedia)Reeve, Clara rēv [key], 1729–1807, English novelist. Her most famous work, The Champion of Virtue: A Gothic Story (1777), was written in imitation of Walpole's Castle of Otranto. After the first ed...

Carême, Marie Antoine

(Encyclopedia)Carême, Marie Antoine märēˈ äNtwänˈ kärĕmˈ [key], 1784–1833, celebrated French cook and gastronomist. He was chef for Talleyrand, Czar Alexander I, George IV, and Baron Rothschild. His wri...

De la Warr, Thomas West, 12th Baron

(Encyclopedia)De la Warr, Thomas West, 12th Baron dĕlˈəwər [key], 1577–1618, English colonial governor of Virginia. He saw fighting in the Netherlands and was knighted when serving in Ireland. He succeeded to...

Fairfax of Cameron, Thomas Fairfax, 6th Baron

(Encyclopedia)Fairfax of Cameron, Thomas Fairfax, 6th Baron, 1693–1781, proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia, b. England. He inherited the Northern Neck, comprising the land between the Rappahannock and Po...

Jeffreys of Wem, George Jeffreys, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia)Jeffreys of Wem, George Jeffreys, 1st Baron, 1645?–1689, English judge under Charles II and James II. A notoriously cruel judge, he presided over many of the trials connected with the Popish Plot (s...

Astor, William Waldorf Astor, 1st Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Astor, William Waldorf Astor, 1st Viscount, 1848–1919, American-British financier, b. New York City, educated in Germany and in Italy and at the Columbia law school; son of John Jacob Astor (1822–...

Brougham, Henry Peter, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux

(Encyclopedia)Brougham, Henry Peter, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux bro͞om, vôz, vôks [key], 1778–1868, British statesman, b. Edinburgh. As a young lawyer in Scotland he helped to found (1802) the Edinburgh Revie...

Norman, Montagu Collet, 1st Baron Norman of St. Clere

(Encyclopedia)Norman, Montagu Collet, 1st Baron Norman of St. Clere, 1871–1950, English financier. He was governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944, a tenure of office that broke all tradition. He long fa...


(Encyclopedia)undine əndēnˈ, ŭnˈdēn [key], in folklore, female water sprite who could acquire a soul by marrying a human being. If, however, her lover proved unfaithful, she had to return to the sea. The lege...

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