Columbia Encyclopedia

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478 results found

Caballé, Montserrat

(Encyclopedia)Caballé, Montserrat mōnsĕrätˈ käbälyāˈ [key], 1933–2018, Spanish soprano. After voice study with Eugenia Kemeny and Conchita Badia in Barcelona, she made her operatic debut in Basel, Switze...

Shotwell, James Thomson

(Encyclopedia)Shotwell, James Thomson, 1874–1965, Canadian-American historian, b. Strathroy, Ont. A teacher of history at Columbia from 1900 and professor from 1908 to 1942, Shotwell also worked tirelessly to pro...

Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus

(Encyclopedia)Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus, 1826–1902, English chemist, an authority on explosives. He was professor of chemistry at the Royal Military Academy (1851–55) and chemist to the War Dept. and governm...

Crapsey, Algernon Sidney

(Encyclopedia)Crapsey, Algernon Sidney, 1847–1927, American Episcopal clergyman, b. Fairmont, Ohio. In 1879 he became rector of St. Andrew's Church, Rochester, N.Y., which under his administration was known for i...

Cutler Bay

(Encyclopedia)Cutler Bay, (2020 pop.45,425), Miami-Dade co., SE Fla.; inc. 2005. Previously known as the unicorporated town of Cutler Ridge, the area was named for D...

Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd

(Encyclopedia)Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd, 1914–98, English biophysicist. For their work in analyzing the electrical and chemical events in nerve-cell discharge, he and Andrew Huxley shared with Sir John Eccles the 1...

Foggini, Giovanni Batista

(Encyclopedia)Foggini, Giovanni Batista jōvänˈnē bätēsˈtä fōdjēˈnē [key], 1652–1725, Italian sculptor and architect. An important exponent of the Florentine baroque style, Foggini followed Roman model...

Mills, Ogden Livingston

(Encyclopedia)Mills, Ogden Livingston, 1884–1937, American political leader, b. Newport, R.I. He practiced law in New York City and became an active Republican party leader. He served (1914–17) in the New York ...


(Encyclopedia)Kirksville, city (1990 pop. 17,152), seat of Adair co., N Mo.; inc. 1857. A processing, trade, and shipping center for a farm area (corn, soybeans, sheep, cattle, hogs), Kirksville also has light manu...

Birrell, Augustine

(Encyclopedia)Birrell, Augustine bĭrˈəl [key], 1850–1933, English essayist and public official. As chief secretary for Ireland (1907–16) his failure to end the plotting that resulted in the Easter Rebellion ...

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