Columbia Encyclopedia

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426 results found

Renan, Ernest

(Encyclopedia)Renan, Ernest ĕrnĕstˈ rənäNˈ [key], 1823–92, French historian and critic. He began training for the priesthood but renounced it in 1845. His first trip to Italy (1849) influenced his interest ...

Villon, François

(Encyclopedia)Villon, François fräNswäˈ vēyôNˈ [key], 1431–1463?, French poet, b. Paris, whose original name was François de Montcorbier or François Des Loges. One of the earliest great poets of France, ...


(Encyclopedia)Enghien, Du. Edingen, town, Hainaut prov., W central Belgium. It is a tourist center and has industries that manufacture linen and lace. Enghien ...

Pajou, Augustin

(Encyclopedia)Pajou, Augustin ōgüstăNˈ päzho͞oˈ [key], 1730–1809, French sculptor. He won the Prix de Rome at the age of 18 and began a long career of royal commissions. He is noted for the elegance of his...

Malherbe, François de

(Encyclopedia)Malherbe, François de fräNswäˈ də mälĕrbˈ [key], 1555–1628, French poet and critic, official poet of Henry IV and Louis XIII. His own poems approach technical perfection but lack verve and f...

Port Royal Sound

(Encyclopedia)Port Royal Sound, arm of the Atlantic Ocean, between St. Helena and Parris islands to the north and Hilton Head Island to the south, in S S.C.; it receives the Broad River. The sound was named in 1562...


(Encyclopedia)Camargue kämärgˈ [key], alluvial lowland, c.215 sq mi (560 sq km), Bouches-du-Rhône dept., SE France, in the Rhône delta. Formed by sedimentation, it has numerous shallow lagoons cut off from the...

Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme

(Encyclopedia)Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme äNtĕlmˈ brēyäˈ-sävärăNˈ [key], 1755–1826, French lawyer, economist, and gastronomist, famous for his witty treatise on the art of dining, La Physiologie du goût ...

Duluth, Daniel Greysolon, sieur

(Encyclopedia)Duluth or Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon, sieur dəlo͞othˈ, Fr. dülütˈ [key], 1636–1710, French explorer in Canada. He went to Canada with his younger brother c.1672. In 1678 he set out on an expedi...

Gary, Romain

(Encyclopedia)Gary, Romain rōmăNˈ gĕrēˈ [key], 1914–80, French novelist, b. Vilna (now Vilnius), of Russian parentage, as Romain Kacew. In France after 1928, he fought in World War II and later entered the ...

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