Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Curtea de Arges

(Encyclopedia)Curtea de Arges ko͝orˈtāä dā ärˈzhĕsh [key], town, S central Romania, in Wala...

Cuvilliès, François de

(Encyclopedia)Cuvilliès, François de fräNswäˈ də küvēyĕsˈ [key], 1695–1768, French architect, decorator, and engraver. He introduced into Germany the rococo style of decoration then popular in France. H...

Alcalá de Henares

(Encyclopedia)Alcalá de Henares älkäläˈ dā ānäˈrās [key], town, Madrid prov., central Spain, on the Henares River. Chemicals, plastics, electrical appliances, leather, and chi...

Colines, Simon de

(Encyclopedia)Colines, Simon de sēmôNˈ də kôlēnˈ [key], d. 1546, Parisian printer. He was associated with the elder Henri Estienne and continued his work. Colines used elegant roman and italic types and a Gr...

Collège de France

(Encyclopedia)Collège de France kôlĕzhˈ də fräNs [key], institution of higher learning founded in Paris, France, in 1529 by Francis I at the instigation of Guillaume Budé. It was founded to encourage humanis...

Comines, Philippe de

(Encyclopedia)Comines, Philippe de fēlēpˈ də kōmēnˈ [key], c.1447–c.1511, French historian, courtier, and diplomat. In 1472 he left the service of Charles the Bold of Burgundy to enter that of Louis XI of ...

Ciego de Ávila

(Encyclopedia)Ciego de Ávila syāˈgō dā äˈvēlä [key], city (1995 est. pop. 91,000), capital of Ciego de Ávila prov., central Cuba. An important processing center in a sugarcane region, it is also one of Cu...

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