Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Parra, Nicanor

(Encyclopedia)Parra, Nicanor nēkänōrˈ päˈrä [key], 1914–2018, Chilean poet, grad. Univ. of Chile (1938), studied at Brown, Oxford. A poet who was also a mathematician and physicist and a professor of theor...

Rosenzweig, Franz

(Encyclopedia)Rosenzweig, Franz fränts rōˈzəntsvīkhˌ [key], 1886–1929, German-Jewish philosopher, b. Kassel. As a youth he was thoroughly trained in German philosophy and, after a near conversion to Christi...

Rossellino, Antonio

(Encyclopedia)Rossellino, Antonio äntôˈnyō rōs-sĕl-lēˈnō [key], 1427–c.1478, Florentine sculptor, whose name was Antonio di Matteo di Domenico Gambarelli. He was the youngest and most celebrated of four ...

Puryear, Martin

(Encyclopedia)Puryear, Martin, 1941–2019, American sculptor, b. Washington, D.C. An African American, he served in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, and became interested in African crafts and in the themes of cap...

Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter

(Encyclopedia)Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter yäkōˈbəs yōhäˈnəs pēˈtər out [key], 1890–1963, Dutch architect. Oud's interest in abstract painting led him to conceive of buildings composed in terms of pure...

Paleosiberian languages

(Encyclopedia)Paleosiberian languages pāˌlēōsībērˈēən [key], also called Paleoasiatic or Hyperborean languages, family of languages spoken by about 15,000 indigenous inhabitants of Siberia. Of these, most ...

Nemerov, Howard

(Encyclopedia)Nemerov, Howard nĕmˈĕrôf [key], 1920–91, American poet, novelist, and critic, b. New York City, grad. Harvard, 1941; brother of photographer Diane Arbus. He taught at Bennington College for many...

Bradley, Bill

(Encyclopedia)Bradley, Bill (William Warren Bradley), 1943–, American athlete and politician, b. Crystal City, Mo. He first gained wide attention as an All-America basketball player at Princeton. Graduating in 19...

Soutine, Chaïm

(Encyclopedia)Soutine, Chaïm khīˈyĭm so͞otēnˈ [key], 1893–1943, French expressionist painter, b. near Minsk, Russia (now Belarus). He went to Paris in 1913 and joined the bohemian society of the school of ...

Bayeux tapestry

(Encyclopedia)Bayeux tapestry. This so-called tapestry is in fact an embroidery that chronicles the Norman Conquest of England by William the Conqueror (William I) in 1066. It is a long, narrow strip of coarse line...

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