Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Cortissoz, Royal

(Encyclopedia)Cortissoz, Royal kôrtēˈsōz [key], 1869–1948, American critic and lecturer on art. He was the New York Herald Tribune art critic from 1891 and was noted for his lectures at the Metropolitan Museu...

Cleopatra's Needles

(Encyclopedia)Cleopatra's Needles, name in popular use for two obelisks of red granite from Egypt. Originally erected at Heliopolis (c.1475 b.c.) by Thutmose III, they were transported to Alexandria (c.14 b.c.) und...

MacMonnies, Frederick William

(Encyclopedia)MacMonnies, Frederick William məkmŏnˈēz [key], 1863–1937, American sculptor and painter, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., studied with Augustus Saint-Gaudens and with Falguière in Paris. His fountain for the...

Lawrie, Lee

(Encyclopedia)Lawrie, Lee lōˈrē [key], 1877–1963, American sculptor, b. Germany. Brought to America as an infant, he studied with Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Philip Martiny. Lawrie specialized in architectural ...


(Encyclopedia)Triumvirate trīŭmˈvĭrĭt, –vĭrātˌ [key], in ancient Rome, ruling board or commission of three men. Triumvirates were common in the Roman republic. The First Triumvirate was the alliance of Ju...

Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph

(Encyclopedia)Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph frēˈdrĭkh krĭsˈtôf dälˈmän [key], 1785–1860, German historian. He was dismissed from his professorship at Göttingen for protesting (1837) the abrogation of th...


(Encyclopedia)Bethsaida bĕth-sāˈĭdə [key] [Heb.,=house of the fisher], in the Gospels, birthplace of Jesus' disciples Peter, Andrew, and Philip. Herod Philip (4 b.c.–a.d. 33) is said to have renamed it Julia...


(Encyclopedia)Actium ăkˈtēəm, –shē– [key], promontory, NW Acarnania, Greece, at the mouth of the Ambracian Gulf. There are vestiges of several temples and an ancient town. At Actium was fought the naval ba...


(Encyclopedia)Ostia ŏsˈtēə [key], ancient city of Italy, originally at the mouth of the Tiber but now inland as the Tiber delta has grown. It was founded (4th cent. b.c.) as a protection for Rome, then develope...

Verrius Flaccus, Marcus

(Encyclopedia)Verrius Flaccus, Marcus märˈkəs vĕrˈēəs flăkˈəs [key], fl. 20 b.c., Roman grammarian. A freedman, he was appointed by Augustus to educate his grandsons and died at an advanced age during the...

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