Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Gromyko, Andrei Andreyevich

(Encyclopedia)Gromyko, Andrei Andreyevich grōmēˈkō, Rus. əndrāˈ əndrāˈyəvĭch grəmĭˈkə [key], 1909–89, Soviet diplomat. A member of the Communist party from 1931, he entered (1939) the diplomatic s...

Fukuda, Takeo

(Encyclopedia)Fukuda, Takeo, 1905–95, Japanese politician, b. Gunma prefecture, prime minister of Japan (1976–78). Born into a wealthy farming family, he studied law at Tokyo Imperial Univ. (grad. 1929). After ...

Hosokawa, Morihiro

(Encyclopedia)Hosokawa, Morihiro mōˌrēhēˈrō hōˌsōkäˈwä [key], 1938–, Japanese politician, a member of a noble family and grandson of Fumimaro Konoye. A journalist and member of the Liberal Democratic ...

Howard, John Winston, Australian political leader

(Encyclopedia)Howard, John Winston, 1939–, Australian political leader and prime minister (1996–2007), b. Sydney. A graduate of Sydney Univ., a conservative lawyer, and a member of the Liberal party, he was ele...


(Encyclopedia)Falange fälänˈhā [key] [Span.,=phalanx], Spanish political party, founded in 1933 as Falange Española by José António Primo de Rivera, son of the former Spanish dictator. Professing generally t...

Fernández Reyna, Leonel Antonio

(Encyclopedia)Fernández Reyna, Leonel Antonio, 1953–, Dominican political leader, president of the Dominican Republic (1996–2000, 2004–12), b. Santo Domingo. He spent his childhood in New York City and later...

Rutte, Mark

(Encyclopedia)Rutte, Mark rŭtˈtə [key], 1967–, Dutch politician, prime minister of the Netherlands (2010–), b. The Hague. He studied at Leiden Univ. (M.A., 1992), where he joined the youth organization of th...

Rae, John

(Encyclopedia)Rae, John, 1813–93, Scottish arctic explorer, b. Orkney Islands. A physician in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company in N Canada, Rae made (1846–47) a journey of exploration from Fort Churchill ...

Odinga, Oginga

(Encyclopedia)Odinga, Oginga ōgĭnˈgä ōdĭnˈgä [key], 1911–94, Kenyan political leader. A Luo, he was active in the Kenyan independence movement and later became (1960) vice president of the Kenya African N...

Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez

(Encyclopedia)Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez hōsāˈ lo͞oēˈ rôᵺrēˈgās säpätāˈrō [key], 1960–, Spanish political leader, prime minister of Spain (2004–11), b. Valladolid. A Socialist and a lawyer...

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