Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)garnishment, in law, means of requiring a third party who holds a debt (including wages) due a defendant to retain the property temporarily. The garnishment consists of a warning, in the form of a jud...

Mollet, Guy

(Encyclopedia)Mollet, Guy gē môlĕˈ [key], 1905–75, French politician. A former schoolteacher and a wartime resistance fighter, he rose to prominence in the Socialist party after World War II. He served as min...

Novotný, Antonín

(Encyclopedia)Novotný, Antonín änˈtônyēn nôˈvôtnē [key], 1904–75, Czechoslovakian Communist leader. A founding member (1921) of the Communist party, he participated (1948) in the Communist seizure of po...

Macphail, Agnes Campbell

(Encyclopedia)Macphail, Agnes Campbell məkfālˈ [key], 1890–1954, Canadian legislator, b. Ontario. She was elected (1921) to the Canadian House of Commons as a representative of the United Farmers of Ontario an...

Masire, Sir Ketumile

(Encyclopedia)Masire, Sir Ketumile (Quett Ketumile Joni Masire), 1925–2017, Botswanan political leader, president of Botswana (1980–98). He was a teacher and a farmer before taking up journalism and helping to ...

Popović, Milentije

(Encyclopedia)Popović, Milentije pōˈpōvĭˈtyə [key], 1913–71, Yugoslav politician. Active in the Communist student movement, he became a member of the Yugoslav Communist party in 1939. He joined the partis...

Bukele Ortez, Nayib Armando

(Encyclopedia)Bukele Ortez, Nayib Armando, 1981–, Salvadoran businessman and politician. Of Palestinian descent, he followed his father into business at an early age. Originally a member of the Farabundo Martí N...

Wijetunga, Dingiri Banda

(Encyclopedia)Wijetunga, Dingiri Banda, 1916–2008, Sri Lankan political leader. A member of the United National party, he served in the parliament of Sri Lanka (1965–70, 1977–93), holding several cabinet post...

Persson, Göran

(Encyclopedia)Persson, Göran yöˈrän pĕrsˈsôn [key], 1949–, Swedish politician, prime minister (1996–2006). A member of the Social Democratic party, he was first elected to parliament in 1979, serving unt...

Chambers, Whittaker

(Encyclopedia)Chambers, Whittaker, 1901–61, U.S. journalist and spy, b. Philadelphia. He joined the U.S. Communist party in 1925 and wrote for its newspaper before engaging (1935–38) in espionage for the USSR. ...

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