Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Horn, Gyula

(Encyclopedia)Horn, Gyula, 1932–2013, Hungarian political leader, b. Budapest, grad. Don Rostov College, Russia. In 1956 he joined Hungary's Communist party and helped crush the anti-Soviet uprising. He worked in...

Zetkin, Klara

(Encyclopedia)Zetkin, Klara kläˈrä tsĕtˈkĭn [key], 1857–1933, German Communist leader and feminist. A teacher, she early joined the Social Democratic party and together with Rosa Luxemburg, became prominent...

Clegg, Sir Nick

(Encyclopedia)Clegg, Sir Nick (Nicholas William Peter Clegg), 1967–, British politician, grad. Cambridge (M.A., 1989), College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium (M.A., 1992). Of British, Russian, and Dutch descent, he w...

Ozawa, Ichiro

(Encyclopedia)Ozawa, Ichiro, 1942–, Japanese political leader. The son of a prominent politician, Ozawa was elected (1969) to his late father's parliamentary seat. Then a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic p...


(Encyclopedia)Seiyukai sāˈyo͞okīˌ [key], Japanese political party, founded in 1900. It was derived, via the Kenseito (see Minseito) from the Jiyuto, organized by Taisuke Itagaki in 1881. Under the astute polit...

Fine Gael

(Encyclopedia)Fine Gael fēˈnə gāl [key], Irish political party. Formed in 1933, it was the successor of the party founded by William Cosgrave that held power from the creation of the Irish Free State in 1922 un...

Mazurov, Kiril

(Encyclopedia)Mazurov, Kiril kĭrēlˈ mäzo͞oˈrôf [key], 1914–89, Soviet political leader. A construction technician, he joined the Communist party in 1940, and was active in the Communist youth organization....

Trong, Nguyen Phu

(Encyclopedia)Trong, Nguyen Phu, 1944– Vietnamese political leader. Trong became a member of the Communist party in North Vietnam in 1968 and began working for the Communist Review in 1973, ultimately serving as ...

Abhisit Vejjajiva

(Encyclopedia)Abhisit Vejjajiva äpēˈsĭt wāchäˈchēwä [key], 1964–, Thai politician, prime minister of Thailand (2008–11), b. Newcastle, England. Born into a wealthy Thai-Chinese family, Abhisit was educ...

Hillquit, Morris

(Encyclopedia)Hillquit, Morris, 1869–1933, American lawyer and Socialist leader, b. Riga, Latvia (then in Russia). He came to the United States in 1886. He was the leader of the right-wing, or constitutional, Soc...

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