Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Stijl, de

(Encyclopedia)Stijl, de də stīl [key] [Du.,=the style], Dutch nonfigurative art movement, also called neoplasticism. In 1917 a group of artists, architects, and poets was organized under the name de Stijl, and a ...

Celtic Church

(Encyclopedia)Celtic Church, name given to the Christian Church of the British Isles before the mission (597) of St. Augustine of Canterbury from Rome. Founded in the 2d or 3d cent. by missionaries from Rome or Gau...

Jansen, Cornelis

(Encyclopedia)Jansen, Cornelis kôrnāˈlĭs yänˈsən [key], 1585–1638, Dutch Roman Catholic theologian. He studied at the Univ. of Louvain and became imbued with the idea of reforming Christian life along the ...

Sá de Miranda, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia)Sá de Miranda, Francisco de fränsēshˈkō də sä də mēränˈdä [key], 1481–1558, Portuguese writer. A noble and a courtier, he lived for a time in Italy and became acquainted with the literat...

Carranza de Miranda, Bartolomé de

(Encyclopedia)Carranza de Miranda, Bartolomé de bärtōlōmāˈ dā käränˈthä dā mēränˈdä [key], 1503–76, Spanish churchman. He joined the Dominicans (1520) and taught at Valladolid. He was active in th...

Fort Matanzas National Monument

(Encyclopedia)Fort Matanzas National Monument: see Saint Augustine, Fla.; National Parks and Monuments, tablenational parks and monuments, table. ...

Te Deum laudamus

(Encyclopedia)Te Deum laudamus tē dēˈəm lôdāˈməs, tā dāˈo͝om loudäˈmo͝os [key] [Lat.,=we praise Thee, O God], early chant of the Western Church beginning, “We praise Thee, O God, we acknowledge The...


(Encyclopedia)Cullman, city (2020 pop. 16,334), seat of Cullman co., N Ala.; inc. 1875. There is poultry processing and the manufacture of apparel, electronics, motor...

Ambrose, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Ambrose, Saint ămˈbrōz [key], 340?–397, bishop of Milan, Doctor of the Church, b. Trier, of Christian parents. Educated at Rome, he became (c.372) governor of Liguria and Aemilia—with the capit...

Innocent II

(Encyclopedia)Innocent II, d. 1143, pope (1130–43), a Roman named Gregorio Papareschi; successor of Honorius II. He was created cardinal by Paschal II. On the death of Honorius II, a faction of the cardinals elec...

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