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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Azay-le-Rideau äzāˈ–lə–rēdōˈ [key], village (1993 est. pop. 3,116), Indre-et-Loire dept., N central France, in Touraine. It is the center of a wine-producing area and has a canning industry...

Crommelynck, Fernand

(Encyclopedia)Crommelynck, Fernand fĕrnäNˈ krôməlăNkˈ [key], 1885?–1970, Belgian dramatist, b. Paris. Crommelynck's first great success was a tragic farce about jealousy, Le Cocu magnifique (1921, tr. The ...

Cormenin, Louis Marie de La Haye, vicomte de

(Encyclopedia)Cormenin, Louis Marie de La Haye, vicomte de lwē märēˈ də lä ā vēkôNtˈ də kôrmənăNˈ [key], 1788–1868, French politician, jurist, and pamphleteer. He held minor offices under Napoleon,...

Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de

(Encyclopedia)Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de fränthēˈskō dā rōˈhäs thôrēˈlyä [key], 1607–48, Spanish dramatist. He created a new type of comedia de gracioso, enlarging the role of the gracioso, or buffo...

Bourget, Paul

(Encyclopedia)Bourget, Paul pôl bo͞orzhāˈ [key], 1852–1935, French novelist. His early novels were naturalistic, but Le Disciple (1889, tr. 1901), a tale of the destruction of a pupil who applies his master's...

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme

(Encyclopedia)Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme nëkôläˈ ĕdˈmə rĕstēfˈ də lä brətônˈ [key], 1734–1806, French novelist. A printer by trade, he wrote and published over 250 novels, mostly based on ...

Renard, Jules

(Encyclopedia)Renard, Jules zhül rənärˈ [key], 1864–1910, French writer. His Écornifleur (1892) is a novel about a young writer's selfish exploitation of a bourgeois family. Poil de carotte (1894), an autobi...

Isla, José Francisco de

(Encyclopedia)Isla, José Francisco de hōsāˈ fränthēˈskō dā ēˈslä [key], 1703–81, Spanish Jesuit preacher and writer. Enormously precocious, he took his law degree at 11. Isla's fame rests on the satir...

Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave

(Encyclopedia)Le Clézio, Jean-Marie Gustave, 1940–, French novelist, b. Nice, grad. Univ. of Nice (L. ès L., 1963), Univ. of Aix-en-Provence (M.A., 1964), Univ. of Perpignan (D. ès L., 1983). He spent much of ...

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