Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Trimble of Lisnagarvey, William David Trimble, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Trimble of Lisnagarvey, William David Trimble, Baron, 1944–, Northern Irish political leader, grad. Queens Univ., Belfast (LL.B.). A Protestant Unionist, he became (1969) a barrister and taught law ...

Murray, John, 2d earl and 1st marquess of Atholl

(Encyclopedia)Murray, John, 2d earl and 1st marquess of Atholl, 1635?–1703, Scottish nobleman. After the Restoration he held high offices in Scotland and was created marquess in 1676. He lost royal favor temporar...

New Bern

(Encyclopedia)New Bern, city (1990 pop. 17,363), seat of Craven co., E N.C., a port and trading center at the junction of the Neuse and Trent rivers; inc. 1723. There is lumbering and food processing, and textiles ...

Leighton, Frederick Leighton, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Leighton, Frederick Leighton, Baron lāˈtən [key], 1830–96, English painter and sculptor. He studied in Florence. His first exhibited picture, which showed Cimabue's Madonna being carried through ...

Jenney, William Le Baron

(Encyclopedia)Jenney, William Le Baron, 1832–1907, American engineer and architect, b. Fairhaven, Mass. He studied at Harvard Scientific School and the École des Beaux-Arts. Later he learned engineering, constru...

Liebig, Justus, Baron von

(Encyclopedia)Liebig, Justus, Baron von yo͝osˈto͝os bärônˈ fən lēˈbĭkh [key], 1803–73, German chemist. As professor at Giessen (1824–52), he was among the first to establish a chemical teaching labora...

Knyphausen, Wilhelm, Baron von

(Encyclopedia)Knyphausen, Wilhelm, Baron von vĭlˈhĕlm bärônˈ fən kənüpˈhouzən [key], 1716–1800, German general in British service in the American Revolution. He served in the army of Frederick the Grea...

Haussmann, Georges Eugène, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Haussmann, Georges Eugène, Baron zhôrzh özhĕnˈ bärôNˈ ōsmänˈ [key], 1809–91, French civic official and city planner. Distinguished for his bold alterations in the layout of Paris under Na...

Hirsch, Maurice, baron de

(Encyclopedia)Hirsch, Maurice, baron de mōrēsˈ bärôNˈ də hĭrsh [key], 1831–96, German Jewish financier and philanthropist. The benefactor of numerous organizations and causes, his most ambitious project w...

Anson, George Anson, Baron

(Encyclopedia)Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697–1762, British admiral. In his famous voyage (1740–44) around the world, Anson, in spite of shipwrecks and scurvy, inflicted great damage on Spanish shipping and re...

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