Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Hauptmann, Bruno Richard

(Encyclopedia)Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 1899–1936, convicted kidnapper and murderer, b. Germany. The infant son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh was abducted (Mar. 1, 1932) at Hopewell, N.J., and a ransom of ...

Bruno, Saint, 925–65, German churchman and statesman

(Encyclopedia)Bruno, Saint bro͞oˈnō [key], 925–65, German churchman and statesman; brother and chief adviser of the first Holy Roman emperor, Otto I, whose chancellor he was from c.950. He was made (953) archb...


(Encyclopedia)monad: see Bruno, Giordano; Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron von. ...


(Encyclopedia)immanence ĭmˈənəns [key] [Lat.,=dwelling in], in metaphysics, the presence within the natural world of a spiritual or cosmic principle, especially of the Deity. It is contrasted with transcendence...

Klaus, Josef

(Encyclopedia)Klaus, Josef yōˈzĕf klous [key], 1910–2001, Austrian politician. He was drafted into the army and fought in World War II on the Axis side. Chosen leader (1963) of the business- and church-oriente...

Chartreuse, Grande

(Encyclopedia)Chartreuse, Grande gräNd shärtrözˈ [key], mountainous massif, Isère dept., SE France, in the Dauphiné Alps; Chamechaude Peak (6,847 ft/2,087 m) is the highest point. There in a high valley St. B...

Abravanel, Judah

(Encyclopedia)Abravanel or Abarbanel, Judah, c.1460–c.1523, Jewish philosopher, physician, and poet, son of Isaac Abravanel, b. Lisbon; he is also known as Leone Ebreo. He fled (1483) from Portugal to Spain with ...

Le Sueur, Eustache

(Encyclopedia)Le Sueur, Eustache ləsüörˈ [key], 1616–55, French painter. He was a disciple of Vouet and a founding member of the Académie royale (1648). In his short life he painted many decorative works fo...

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