Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Mikołajczyk, Stanislaus

(Encyclopedia)Mikołajczyk, Stanislaus stänēsˈläs mēkôwīˈchĭk [key], 1901–66, Polish politician and leader of the Polish Peasant party. After the German conquest of Poland, he became vice premier (1941) ...

Simpson-Miller, Portia

(Encyclopedia)Simpson-Miller, Portia, 1945–, Jamaican political leader, prime minister of Jamaica (2006–7, 2012–16). A member of the People's National party (PNP), she was first elected to parliament in 1976....

Orbán, Viktor

(Encyclopedia)Orbán, Viktor vĭkˈôr ôrˈbän [key], 1963–, Hungarian political leader. A lawyer, Orbán was (1988) one of the founders of Fidesz, a liberal democratic youth group that under his leadership (19...

Combes, Émile

(Encyclopedia)Combes, Émile āmēlˈ kôNb [key], 1835–1921, French statesman. An able politician of the left democratic group, he was minister of education under Léon Bourgeois (1895–96) and, succeeding Ren...

Jackson, Helen (Fiske) Hunt

(Encyclopedia)Jackson, Helen (Fiske) Hunt, 1830–85, American writer whose pseudonym was H. H., b. Amherst, Mass. She was a lifelong friend of Emily Dickinson. In 1863, encouraged by T. W. Higginson, Jackson began...

Butler, Judith

(Encyclopedia)Butler, Judith, 1956–, American philosopher and political theorist, b. Cleveland, Ph.D. Yale University, 1984. Holds the Hannah Arendt Chair at The Eu...

Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

(Encyclopedia)Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO), founded 1916. Originally a branch of the city's municipal government, it was reorganized as a private institution in 1942. Its main home is the 2,443-seat Joseph Me...

parochial school

(Encyclopedia)parochial school pərōˈkēəl [key], school supported by a religious body. In the United States such schools are maintained by a number of religious groups, including Lutherans, Seventh-day Adventis...

Bond, Sir Robert

(Encyclopedia)Bond, Sir Robert, 1857–1927, Newfoundland political leader. He was educated in England and later entered Newfoundland politics. In 1890, he negotiated a reciprocity agreement between Newfoundland an...

Bakiyev, Kurmanbek Saliyevich

(Encyclopedia)Bakiyev, Kurmanbek Saliyevich ko͞ormänbĕkˈ bäkēˈyĕv [key], 1949–, Kyrgyz political leader, president of Kyrgyzstan (2005–2010), b. Masadan. A graduate of Kuybyshev Polytechnic Institute (1...

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