Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Talabani, Jalal

(Encyclopedia)Talabani, Jalal, 1933–2017, Iraqi political leader, president of Iraq (2005–14), b. Kelkan. He joined the Kurdish Democratic party (KDP) in 1947, becoming a member of its central committee in 1951...

Morales, Jimmy

(Encyclopedia)Morales, Jimmy, 1969–, Guatemalan political leader, b. Guatemala City as James Ernesto Morales Cabrera, grad. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. A popular television comedian, he entered politi...

Natal, city, Brazil

(Encyclopedia)Natal nətälˈ [key], city (1991 pop. 606,887), capital of Rio Grande do Norte state, NE Brazil, just above the mouth of the Potengi River. A modern city that has retained its colonial flavor and is ...

Benediktsson, Bjarni

(Encyclopedia)Benediktsson, Bjarni bĭyärˈnē bĕnĕdĭktˈsōn [key], 1908–70, Icelandic statesman. A lawyer, he was a vocal advocate of Iceland's independence from Denmark, and became a member of the central ...

Sata, Michael Chilufya

(Encyclopedia)Sata, Michael Chilufya, 1937–2014, Zambian politician. Sata was a policeman, railway worker, and trade unionist before entering politics in 1963, and was later (1985) elected governor of Lusaka prov...


(Encyclopedia)Alcuin ălbīˈnəs [key], 735?–804, English churchman and educator. He was educated at the cathedral school of York by a disciple of Bede; he became principal in 766. Charlemagne invited him (781?)...

Sauvé, Jeanne Mathilde Benoit

(Encyclopedia)Sauvé, Jeanne Mathilde Benoit zhän mätēldˈ bənwäˈ sōvāˈ [key], 1922–93, Canadian government official, b. Prud'homme, Saskatchewan. Sauvé, who studied at the universities of Ottawa and Pa...

Bryce, James Bryce, 1st Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Bryce, James Bryce, 1st Viscount, 1838–1922, British historian, statesman, and diplomat, b. Belfast. After his education at the Univ. of Glasgow and at Oxford, he practiced law in London for a short...

Heckman, James Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Heckman, James Joseph, 1944– American economist, b. Chicago, Ill., Ph.D. Princeton, 1971. He has taught at the Univ. of Chicago since 1973. Heckman shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Scienc...

Family Compact, in Canadian history

(Encyclopedia)Family Compact, name popularly applied to a small, powerful group of men who dominated the government of Upper Canada (Ontario) from the closing years of the 18th cent. to the beginnings of responsibl...

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