Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Paul the Deacon

(Encyclopedia)Paul the Deacon, c.725–799?, Lombard historian. He received a good education, probably at Pavia, and he learned Latin thoroughly and some Greek. He lived at Monte Cassino and at Charlemagne's court....

Adams, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Adams, Henry, 1838–1918, American writer and historian, b. Boston; son of Charles Francis Adams (1807–86). He was secretary (1861–68) to his father, then U.S. minister to Great Britain. Upon his...

Sandrart, Joachim Von

(Encyclopedia)Sandrart, Joachim Von yōäˈkhĭm fən zäntˈrärt [key], 1606–88, German painter. An academic painter fond of chiaroscuro effects, Sandrart is best remembered for his comprehensive history of art...

Tiele, Cornelis Petrus

(Encyclopedia)Tiele, Cornelis Petrus kôrnāˈlĭs pāˈtrəs tēˈlə [key], 1830–1902, Dutch theologian and author of a number of valuable works on the history of religion. Important is his Outlines of the Hist...

War of Independence

(Encyclopedia)War of Independence: 1 In Spanish history, see Peninsular War, 1808–14. 2 In U.S. history, see American Revolution. ...

motion pictures

(Encyclopedia)motion pictures, movie-making as an art and an industry, including its production techniques, its creative artists, and the distribution and exhibition of its products (see also motion picture photogr...

Becker, Carl Lotus

(Encyclopedia)Becker, Carl Lotus, 1873–1945, American historian, b. Blackhawk co., Iowa. He taught history at Dartmouth College (1901–2), at the Univ. of Kansas (1902–16), and at Cornell (1917–41). After re...

Sybel, Heinrich von

(Encyclopedia)Sybel, Heinrich von hīnˈrĭkh fən zēˈbəl [key], 1817–95, German historian. He studied under Ranke at the Univ. of Berlin, but later abandoned the Rankean striving for objective history; he beg...

Knight, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Knight, Charles, 1874–1953, American artist, b. New York City. Knight painted and sculpted animal subjects. He is best known for his murals at the American Museum of Natural History, New York City. ...

Acosta, José de

(Encyclopedia)Acosta, José de hōsāˈ ᵺā äkōˈstä [key], c.1539–1600, Spanish Jesuit missionary to Peru. He wrote a well-known history of the Spanish colonial period, The Natural and Moral History of the ...

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