Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Nennius nĕnˈēəs [key], fl. 796, Welsh writer, to whom is ascribed the Historia Britonum. He lived on the borders of Mercia and probably was a pupil of Elbod, bishop of Bangor. The Historia is a co...

Adelaide, city, Australia

(Encyclopedia)Adelaide, city (2020 pop. 26,177, Greater Adelaide 2020 pop. 1,376,601,), capital and chief port of South Australia, S Australia, at the mouth of the Torrens River on Gulf St. Vincent. It ...

Tannenbaum, Frank

(Encyclopedia)Tannenbaum, Frank, 1893–1969, American historian, b. Austria. He received his Ph.D. from the Brookings School of Economics in 1927. After an early career as a labor leader, journalist, and economic ...

Bloch, Marc

(Encyclopedia)Bloch, Marc blôk [key], 1886–1944, French historian and an authority on medieval feudalism. He taught at the Univ. of Strasbourg from 1919, became professor at the Sorbonne in 1936, and was cofound...

Block, Herbert Lawrence

(Encyclopedia)Block, Herbert Lawrence, 1909–2001, American editorial cartoonist known as Herblock, b. Chicago. A superb stylist and generally a political liberal, Herblock began drawing cartoons (1929–33) for t...

Gervase of Tilbury

(Encyclopedia)Gervase of Tilbury, fl. 1200, medieval author, b. England. He became marshal of the kingdom of Arles under Emperor Otto IV and wrote the Otia imperiala, a miscellany of legend, history, and politics. ...

Steiner, George

(Encyclopedia)Steiner, George, 1929–2020, American critic, essayist, novelist, and educator, b. Paris, France, immigrated to the United States 1940, became a U.S. citizen 1944; Ph.D. Oxford, 195). He spoke and wr...

Schlegel, Friedrich von

(Encyclopedia)Schlegel, Friedrich von fən shlāˈgəl [key], 1772–1829, German philosopher, critic, and writer, most prominent of the founders of German romanticism. Educated in law at Göttingen and Leipzig, h...

Wisconsin, University of

(Encyclopedia)Wisconsin, University of, main campus at Madison; land-grant and state supported; coeducational; chartered 1848, opened 1849. Its history was disturbed by storms over the policies of Glenn Frank and o...


(Encyclopedia)catastrophism kətăsˈtrəfĭzəm [key], in geology, the doctrine that at intervals in the earth's history all living things have been destroyed by cataclysms (e.g., floods or earthquakes) and replac...

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