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500 results found

October Revolution

(Encyclopedia)October Revolution, 1917, in Russian history: see Russian Revolution. ...

Russian Revolution

(Encyclopedia)Russian Revolution, violent upheaval in Russia in 1917 that overthrew the czarist government. The civil war between the Bolsheviks (Reds) and the anti-Bolsheviks (Whites) ravaged Russia until 1920. ...

Derby, Elias Hasket

(Encyclopedia)Derby, Elias Hasket dûrˈbē [key], 1739–99, American merchant, b. Salem, Mass. He inherited the considerable wealth and maritime business that his father, Richard Derby (1712–83), also of Salem,...


(Encyclopedia)Joezer jōēˈzər [key], in the Bible, one of David's captains. ...

Michael, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Michael, in the Bible. 1 Father of Sethur the spy. 2 Chief of Issachar. 3 One of David's captains at Ziklag. 4 Jehoshaphat's murdered son. ...

Daughters of the American Revolution

(Encyclopedia)Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), a Colonial patriotic society in the United States, open to women having one or more ancestors who aided the cause of the Revolution. The society was organiz...

February Revolution, in French history

(Encyclopedia)February Revolution, 1848, French revolution that overthrew the monarchy of Louis Philippe and established the Second Republic. General dissatisfaction resulted partly from the king's increasingly rea...


(Encyclopedia)Pirathon pĭrˈəthŏn [key], in the Bible, unidentified place, central ancient Palestine, the native town of one of David's captains, Benaiah, and of one of the judges, Abdon. It is probably identica...

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