Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Chen Duxiu

(Encyclopedia)Chen Duxiu or Ch'en Tu-hsiu both: chŭn do͞o-shyo͞o [key], 1879–1942, Chinese educator and Communist party leader. He was active in the republican revolution of 1911 and was forced to flee to Japa...


(Encyclopedia)intendant ĭntĕnˈdənt [key], French administrative official who served as the chief royal representative in the provinces under the ancien régime. The intendants first gained importance under Card...

mir, former Russian peasant community

(Encyclopedia)mir mēr [key], former Russian peasant community. The mir, which antedated serfdom (16th cent.) in Russia, persisted in its primitive form until after the Russian Revolution of 1917. In a community of...

Morelos y Pavón, José María

(Encyclopedia)Morelos y Pavón, José María hōsāˈ märēˈä mōrāˈlōs ē pävōnˈ [key], 1765–1815, Mexican leader in the revolution against Spain, a national hero. He was, like Hidalgo y Costilla, a lib...

Guizot, François

(Encyclopedia)Guizot, François fräNswäˈ gēzōˈ [key], 1787–1874, French statesman and historian. The son of a Protestant family of Nîmes, he was educated at Geneva. He began a legal career in Paris in 1805...

Madero, Francisco Indalecio

(Encyclopedia)Madero, Francisco Indalecio fränsēˈskō ēndälāˈsyō mäᵺāˈrō [key], 1873–1913, Mexican statesman and president (1911–13). A champion of democracy and social reform, he established vari...

Carleton, Guy, 1st Baron Dorchester

(Encyclopedia)Carleton, Guy, 1st Baron Dorchester, 1724–1808, governor of Quebec and British commander during the American Revolution. He began his service in America in 1758 and distinguished himself in the Fren...

Trotsky, Leon

(Encyclopedia)Trotsky, Leon trŏtˈskē, Rus. lāˈən trôtˈskē [key], 1879–1940, Russian Communist revolutionary, one of the principal leaders in the establishment of the USSR; his original name was Lev David...

Elizabeth, sister of King Louis XVI of France

(Encyclopedia)Elizabeth, 1764–94, sister of King Louis XVI of France, known as Madame Elizabeth. Deeply loyal to her brother, she remained in France during the French Revolution, suffered imprisonment, and was gu...

Estaing, Charles Hector, comte d'

(Encyclopedia)Estaing, Charles Hector, comte d' shärl ĕktôrˈ kôNt dĕstăNˈ [key], 1729–94, French admiral. After serving in India he was given (1778) command of a French fleet sent to aid the colonists in ...

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