Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Aresson, Jon

(Encyclopedia)Aresson, Areson, or Arason, Jon all: yōn äˈrĕsôn [key], 1484?–1550, Icelandic churchman. The last Roman Catholic bishop in Iceland before the Reformation, he was executed together with his sons...


(Encyclopedia)Krk kûrk [key], Ital. Veglia, island, 157 sq mi (407 sq km), in the Adriatic, off the Dalmatian coast, NW Croatia. The largest of Croatia's islands in the Adriatic, it has several small seaside resor...

holy water

(Encyclopedia)holy water, in Christian churches, water blessed to symbolize spiritual cleansing. In Roman Catholic churches there is a bowl (stoup or font) of holy water near the doors, so that the faithful may ble...

Groppi, James

(Encyclopedia)Groppi, James, 1931–85, American Roman Catholic cleric and political activist, b. Milwaukee. Groppi, who grew up in the Milwaukee slums, attended St. Francis' Seminary and was ordained in 1960. In 1...

Frischlin, Nikodemus

(Encyclopedia)Frischlin, Nikodemus nēkōdāˈmo͝os frĭshˈlĭn [key], 1547–90, German satirist and philologist. His dramas, written in Latin and seemingly dealing with antique or biblical subjects, were in fac...


(Encyclopedia)incense, perfume diffused by the burning of aromatic gums or spices. Incense was used in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome and is mentioned in the Old and the New Testaments. It is also found in the maj...


(Encyclopedia)Îsle-aux-Coudres ēl-ō-ko͞oˈdrə [key], island, c.6 mi (9.7 km) long and 2.5 mi (4 km) wide, in the St. Lawrence River, SE Que., Canada. It was named by Jacques Cartier in 1535 for the hazelnuts g...

Claude, Jean

(Encyclopedia)Claude, Jean klōd [key], 1619–87, French Protestant theologian. As Protestant pastor at Paris, Claude received considerable attention for his disagreements with the Roman Catholic apologist Jacque...


(Encyclopedia)Champion, uninc. community in the town of Green Bay, Brown co., NE Wis., NE of the city of Green Bay. It is noted for the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Hel...

Schuller, Robert Harold

(Encyclopedia)Schuller, Robert Harold, 1926–2015, American Protestant minister and television evangelist, b. Alton, Iowa. Schuller gained attention (1955) when he used a drive-in theater to preach to his newly es...

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