Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Heflin, James Thomas

(Encyclopedia)Heflin, James Thomas, 1869–1951, U.S. politician, b. Randolph co., Ala. He was admitted (1893) to the bar and in 1920 entered the U.S. Senate where he was known at first as “Cotton Tom” because ...

Amyot, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Amyot or Amiot, Joseph ämyōˈ [key], 1718–1794?, French Roman Catholic missionary in China, a Jesuit. He wrote a long treatise on the history, sciences, and customs of the Chinese (15 vol., 1776...

Jammes, Francis

(Encyclopedia)Jammes, Francis fräNsēsˈ zhäm [key], 1868–1938, French poet. He lived most of his life in the Pyrenees. Jammes is usually grouped with the symbolists, but he is distinguished from them by the si...

Athanasian Creed

(Encyclopedia)Athanasian Creed ăthənāˈzhən [key], exact, elaborate Roman Catholic statement on the Trinity and the Incarnation. It is no longer believed to have been written by Athanasius, but rather by an unk...

Nicaea, Second Council of

(Encyclopedia)Nicaea, Second Council of, 787, 7th ecumenical council, convened by Byzantine Empress Irene. Called to refute iconoclasm, the council declared that images ought to be venerated (but not worshiped) and...

O'Connor, John Joseph

(Encyclopedia)O'Connor, John Joseph, 1920–2000, American Roman Catholic cardinal, b. Philadelphia. He was ordained a priest in 1945 and served as a military chaplain for 27 years, achieving the rank of rear admir...

McCloskey, John

(Encyclopedia)McCloskey, John məklŏˈskē [key], 1810–85, American churchman, cardinal of the Roman Catholic church, b. Brooklyn. Ordained in 1834, he then furthered his studies for several years in Rome. He be...

Arundel, Henry Fitzalan, 12th earl of

(Encyclopedia)Arundel, Henry Fitzalan, 12th earl of ărˈəndəl [key], 1511?–1580, English statesman. Lord chamberlain under Henry VIII, he was a member of the council appointed by Henry to govern during the min...

Armagh, city, Northern Ireland

(Encyclopedia)Armagh, city, S Northern Ireland. Textiles, chemicals, and processed foods are produced in the city. Armagh (originally Ard Macha) has been the ecclesiastical capital of all Ireland since ...

Lateran Council, First

(Encyclopedia)Lateran Council, First, 1123, 9th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church, summoned by Pope Calixtus II to signal the end of the investiture controversy by confirming the Concordat of Worms (1...

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