Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Sturt, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Sturt, Charles stûrt [key], 1795–1869, English explorer and administrator in Australia, b. India. In 1827 he arrived in Sydney with a detachment of the British army. While in command of an expediti...

Sumner, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Sumner, Charles, 1811–74, U.S. senator from Massachusetts (1851–74), b. Boston. He attended (1831–33) and was later a lecturer at Harvard law school, was admitted (1834) to the bar, and practice...

Stewart, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Stewart, Charles, 1778–1869, American naval officer, b. Philadelphia. He was commissioned a lieutenant in 1798 after having served in the merchant marine and was a brilliant commander of the Constit...

Baudelaire, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Baudelaire, Charles shärl bōdlârˈ [key], 1821–67, French poet and critic. His poetry, classical in form, introduced symbolism (see symbolists) by establishing symbolic correspondences among sens...

Bonnet, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Bonnet, Charles shärl bônāˈ [key], 1720–93, Swiss naturalist and philosopher. He drew attention to parthenogenesis in aphids, but his theories were highly fanciful and unscientific. His books in...

Booth, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Booth, Charles, 1840–1916, English social investigator, pioneer in developing the social survey method. Aided by the notable social scientist Beatrice Potter Webb, he made an exhaustive statistical ...

Bukowski, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Bukowski, Charles, 1920–94, American underground poet and fiction writer, b. Andernach, Germany. His family immigrated to the United States in 1922, settling in Los Angeles. A hard-drinking unskille...

Bulfinch, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Bulfinch, Charles, 1763–1844, American architect, b. Boston. A member of the Boston board of selectmen in 1791, he was chosen chairman in 1799—an office equivalent to mayor and held by Bulfinch fo...

Burchfield, Charles

(Encyclopedia)Burchfield, Charles (Charles Ephraim Burchfield), 1893–1967, American painter, b. Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio, studied Cleveland School of Art. Living at first in Ohio, then moving (1921) to upstate New ...

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