Columbia Encyclopedia

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242 results found

Weaver, Warren

(Encyclopedia)Weaver, Warren, 1894–1978, American scientist, b. Reedsburg, Wis., grad. Univ. of Wisconsin. He taught mathematics at Wisconsin (1920–32), was director of the division of natural sciences at the R...

Tonton Macoutes

(Encyclopedia)Tonton Macoutes tŏntŏnˈ mäko͞otˈ [key] [Haitian Creole,=bogeymen], personal police force of dictator Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc) of Haiti. Unpaid volunteers who were directly responsible only t...

Iorga, Nicolae

(Encyclopedia)Iorga, Nicolae nēˈkōlī yôrˈgä [key], 1871–1940, Romanian historian and statesman. A professor at the Univ. of Bucharest, he founded (1910) and later led the National Democratic party; after W...

Cáceres, Andrés Avelino

(Encyclopedia)Cáceres, Andrés Avelino ändrāsˈ ävālēˈnō käˈsārās [key], 1836?–1923, president of Peru (1886–90, 1894). He was a commander in the war with Chile (see Pacific, War of the) and continu...

Steen, Jan

(Encyclopedia)Steen, Jan yän stān [key], 1626–79, Dutch genre painter, b. Leiden. He studied in Utrecht and in Haarlem under Van Ostade and Van Goyen, whose daughter he married. His huge production of paintings...


(Encyclopedia)Tobruk tōbro͝okˈ [key], Arab. Tubruq, city (1984 pop. 75,282), NE Libya, a port on the Mediterranean Sea. It was a fiercely contested objective in World War II (see North Africa, campaigns in). Tob...


(Encyclopedia)Saint-Germain-en-Laye săN-zhĕrmăNˈ-äN-lā [key], town (1990 pop. 41,710), Yvelines dept., N central France, on the Seine River, a residential suburb W of Paris. It is the last station on the expr...

Salmasius, Claudius

(Encyclopedia)Salmasius, Claudius klôdˈēəs sălmāˈshəs [key], 1588–1653, French humanist and philologist. Salmasius is known in French as Claude de Saumaise. After studying Latin and Greek with his father,...

Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançais de

(Encyclopedia)Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançais de läläNdˈ [key], 1732–1807, French astronomer. Under the direction of the French Academy of Science, he went to Berlin in 1751 to make observations on the p...

Limousin, Léonard

(Encyclopedia)Limousin or Limosin, Léonard lāônärˈ lēmo͞ozăNˈ, lēmôzăNˈ [key], c.1505–c.1577, French painter in enamel, most celebrated member of a family of Limoges enamel artists. His earliest auth...

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