Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Tupper, Sir Charles

(Encyclopedia)Tupper, Sir Charles, 1821–1915, Canadian statesman, b. Nova Scotia. A doctor, he sat (1855–67) in the provincial legislature, became (1864) premier of Nova Scotia, and was a leader in the movement...

Monck, Charles Stanley, 4th Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Monck, Charles Stanley, 4th Viscount mŭngk [key], 1819–94, governor-general of Canada, b. Ireland. An Irish peer, he was elected (1852) to the British House of Commons as a Liberal and was (1855–...

Chauveau, Pierre Joseph Olivier

(Encyclopedia)Chauveau, Pierre Joseph Olivier pyĕr zhôzĕfˈ ôlēvyāˈ shōvōˈ [key], 1820–90, French Canadian educator and politician, prime minister of Quebec (1867–73), b. Quebec. He became superintend...


(Encyclopedia)Lauenburg louˈənbo͝orkh [key], former duchy, NE central Germany, on the right bank of the lower Elbe. The duchy belonged to a branch of the house of Saxony from the 12th to the late 17th cent., whe...

Boudinot, Elias

(Encyclopedia)Boudinot, Elias bo͞oˈdĭnŏt [key], 1740–1821, political leader in the American Revolution, b. Philadelphia. A lawyer of Elizabethtown (now Elizabeth), N.J., he took an active part in anti-British...

McHenry, James

(Encyclopedia)McHenry, James, 1753–1816, American political leader, b. Ireland. He emigrated to Philadelphia in 1771 and, after studying medicine under Benjamin Rush, served as a surgeon in the Continental Army i...

Foot, Solomon

(Encyclopedia)Foot, Solomon, 1802–66, U.S. Senator from Vermont (1851–66), b. Cornwall, Vt. He taught school, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1831. Foot served several terms in the state legislature...

Planck's constant

(Encyclopedia)Planck's constant plängks [key], fundamental constant of the quantum theory. It is represented by the letter h and has a value of 6.62607 × 10−34 joule-second. The combination h/2π, denoted by h ...

Butler, Pierce

(Encyclopedia)Butler, Pierce, 1866–1939, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1923–39), b. Dakota co., Minn. Admitted (1888) to the bar, he practiced in St. Paul, specialized in railroad law, and became...


(Encyclopedia)Okanogan or Okinagan both: ōkənäˈgən [key], confederation of Native North Americans of the Salishan branch of the Algonquian-Wakashan linguistic stock (see Native American languages). In the late...

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