Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Florence, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Florence. 1 City (2020 pop. 40,184), seat of Lauderdale co., NW Ala., on the Tennessee River near Muscle Shoals and adjacent to Wilson ...

Utica , city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Utica, city (1990 pop. 68,637), seat of Oneida co., central N.Y., on the Mohawk River and the Erie Canal, in a large dairy region; inc. 1862. It is a port of entry, and its manufactures include electr...

Tupelo , city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Tupelo to͞oˈpĭlō, tyo͞o– [key], city (1990 pop. 30,685), seat of Lee co., NE Miss.; founded 1859, inc. 1870. It is the trade, processing, and shipping center for a cotton, grain, dairying, and ...

Aberdeen, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Aberdeen ăbˈərdēnˌ [key]. 1 Town (2020 pop. 15,935), Harford co., NE Md., in a farm region; inc. 1892. Just south, on Chesapeake Bay, is the U.S. army's huge Aberdeen...

Natchez, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Natchez, city (1990 pop. 19,460), seat of Adams co., SW Miss., on bluffs above the Mississippi River; settled 1716, inc. 1803. It is the trade, shipping, and processing center for a soybean, corn, cot...

Arkansas, river, United States

(Encyclopedia)Arkansas ärkănˈzəs, ärˈkənsôˌ [key], river, c.1,450 mi (2,330 km) long, rising in the Rocky Mts., central Colo., and flowing generally SE across the plains to the Mississippi River, SE Ark.; ...

Rhode Island, island, United States

(Encyclopedia)Rhode Island, island, 15 mi (24 km) long and 5 mi (8 km) wide, S R.I., at the entrance to Narragansett Bay. It is the largest island in the state, with steep cliffs and excellent beaches. Known to the...

Santa Rosa, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Santa Rosa sănˈtə rōˈzə [key], city (1990 pop. 113,313), seat of Sonoma co., W Calif.; inc. 1868. It is an industrial city and a retail, financial, and medical center for the fertile Sonoma Vall...

Freeport, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Freeport. 1 City (2020 pop. 23,973), seat of Stephenson co., NW Ill., on the Pecatonica River; inc. 1850. It is a trade and manufacturing center in a ...

Plymouth, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Plymouth. 1 Uninc. town (1990 pop. 45,608), seat of Plymouth co., SE Mass., on Plymouth Bay; founded 1620. Diverse light manufacturing is important to the economy. The town, with summer resort facilit...

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