Columbia Encyclopedia

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433 results found

Darwin, Erasmus

(Encyclopedia)Darwin, Erasmus, 1731–1802, English physician and poet. During most of his life he practiced medicine in Lichfield and cultivated a botanical garden. He was a prominent member of the Lichfield liter...

meadow saffron

(Encyclopedia)meadow saffron or autumn crocus, perennial garden ornamental (Colchicum autumnale) of the family Liliaceae (lily family). Native to Europe and N Africa, it has escaped from gardens to meadows and fiel...


(Encyclopedia)Sadi or Saadi both: säˈdē [key], Persian poet, 1184–1291. b. Shiraz. Orphaned at an early age, Sadi studied in Baghdad, where he met Suhrawardi, a major Sufi figure. Having to flee Baghdad becaus...

Carmel, Mount

(Encyclopedia)Carmel, Mount kärˈməl [key] [Heb.,=garden land], mountain ridge, NW Israel, extending 13 mi (21 km) NW from the plain of Esdraelon to the Mediterranean Sea, where it ends in a promontory marking th...

Tingo María

(Encyclopedia)Tingo María, city (1993 pop. 43,152), capital of Leoncio Prado prov., Huánuco dept., central Peru. The region's subtropical forest supports a variety of wood-processing indusries. The city is the si...


(Encyclopedia)hoe, usually a flat blade, variously shaped, set in a long wooden handle and used primarily for weeding and for loosening the soil. It was the first distinctly agricultural implement. The earliest hoe...

Stein, Clarence

(Encyclopedia)Stein, Clarence, 1882–1975, American architect, b. New York City, studied architecture at Columbia and the École des Beaux-Arts. Stein worked in the office of Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, where he as...

Colwyn Bay

(Encyclopedia)Colwyn Bay kôlˈwĭn [key], Welsh Bae Colwyn, town, Conwy, N Wales. It is a popular seaside ...


(Encyclopedia)Kawanishi käwäˈnēshē [key], city (1990 pop. 141,253), Hyogo prefecture, central Honshu, Japan, on the Ina River. It is an agricultural and commercial center that produces leather, dyed cloth, hat...

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