Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Proud Boys

(Encyclopedia)Proud Boys, American political movement. Founded in 2016 by Vice Media cofounder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys promotes the philosophy of far-right, ne...

Desmarets, Nicolas

(Encyclopedia)Desmarets, Nicolas nēkôläˈ dāmärāˈ [key], 1648–1721, French statesman; the nephew of Jean Baptiste Colbert. He became director of finances in 1703 and succeeded Michel Chamillart as controll...

Craigavon, James Craig, 1st Viscount

(Encyclopedia)Craigavon, James Craig, 1st Viscount krāgăvˈən [key], 1871–1940, Irish statesman. He worked with Edward Carson in rousing the Protestants of Ulster against Home Rule in the crisis preceding Worl...


(Encyclopedia)identity, in philosophy, problem of distinguishing sameness from change, or unity from diversity; primarily examined in connection with personal identity, universals, and the law of identity in logic....

Hammond, James Henry

(Encyclopedia)Hammond, James Henry, 1807–64, American statesman, b. Newberry co., S.C. A lawyer and the owner of large plantations on the Savannah River, Hammond was an early believer in secession. He voiced this...

Masters and Johnson

(Encyclopedia)Masters and Johnson, pioneering research team in the field of human sexuality, consisting of the gynecologist William Howell Masters, 1915–2001, b. Cleveland, and the psychologist Virginia Eshelman ...

Boye, Karin

(Encyclopedia)Boye, Karin käˈrēn bôˈyĕ [key], 1900–1941, Swedish poet, novelist, and short-story writer. Boye's volumes of poetry, including Moln [clouds] (1922) and Glömda land [forgotten land] (1924), re...

Vujanović, Filip

(Encyclopedia)Vujanović, Filip, 1954–, Montenegran political leader, president of Montenegro (2003–), b. Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia). A lawyer by training, he worked (1978–93) in the municipal and dist...

Urquhart, David

(Encyclopedia)Urquhart, David ûrˈkərt [key], 1805–77, British diplomat and writer. He served (1831–37) in various diplomatic capacities in Constantinople but was recalled because of his hostility to Russia. ...

Seely, John Edward Bernard, 1st baron of Mottistone

(Encyclopedia)Seely, John Edward Bernard, 1st baron of Mottistone, 1868–1947, British politician. He served in the South African War and entered Parliament as a Conservative in 1900. Having switched to the Libera...

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