Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found


(Encyclopedia)Zadok zāˈdŏk [key], in the Bible. 1 Founder of a prominent priestly family. 2 One of David's men. 3 Grandfather of Jotham. 4 Sealer of the Covenant. 5 High priest. 6, 7 Builders of the wall. 8 Scri...


(Encyclopedia)Eliezer ēlīēˈzər, ĕlīēˈ– [key], in the Bible. 1 Servant of Abraham. 2 Son of Moses. 3 Prophet who rebuked King Jehoshaphat. 4 Priest under David. 5 Chief Reubenite. 6 Messenger of Ezra. 7 M...


(Encyclopedia)Elishama ēlĭshˈəmə [key], in the Bible. 1 Chief Ephraimite. 2, 3 Sons of David. One is called Elishua twice. 4 Grandfather of Ishmael (6.) 5 Scribe. 6 Priest under Jehoshaphat. ...


(Encyclopedia)impasto ĭmpăsˈtō, –päˈstō [key], thickly applied paint that projects from the picture surface. Such works as Childe Hassam's Allies Day (1917; National Gall. of Art, Washington, D.C.) and Han...


(Encyclopedia)Jesse jĕsˈē [key], in the Bible, the descendant of Rahab, the grandson of Boaz and Ruth, and the father of David. Referring to the restoration of the Davidic monarchy, the Book of Isaiah speaks of ...

Athabasca Pass

(Encyclopedia)Athabasca Pass, 5,736 ft (1,748 m) high, W Alta. and E British Columbia, Canada, leading from the headwaters of the Athabasca River across the Continental Divide to the Columbia River. It was discover...


(Encyclopedia)Shur shŭr [key], landmark of the Egyptian border N of the Red Sea, also called the Wilderness of Shur. In the Bible it is associated with the the wandering of Hagar, the journeying of Abraham, the se...

Robert, Léopold

(Encyclopedia)Robert, Léopold lāôpôldˈ rōbĕrˈ [key], 1794–1835, French genre painter, b. Switzerland; pupil of J. L. David. He excelled in depicting Italian folk life in a classical style. His two best-kn...

Kings, books of the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Kings, books of the Bible, originally a single work in the Hebrew canon. They are called First and Second Kings in modern Bibles, and Third and Fourth Kingdoms in the Greek versions, where the books o...


(Encyclopedia)Elihu ēlīˈhyo͞o [key], in the Bible. 1 Ancestor of Samuel. An alternate form is Eliel. 2 One of Job's comforters. 3 The same as Eliab (3.) 4 Manassite captain of David. 5 Korahite doorkeeper. ...

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