Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Abigail ăbˈəgāl [key], in the Bible. 1 The wife of Nabal. She persuaded David not to take vengeance on her husband. When Nabal died, she married David. 2 David's stepsister, mother of Amasa. ...


(Encyclopedia)Ittai ĭtˈāī, ĭtāˈī [key], in the Bible. 1 Gittite follower of David. He stood by David in Absalom's revolt. 2 Benjamite, one of David's mighty men. It is also spelled Ithai. ...

Cronkite, Walter

(Encyclopedia)Cronkite, Walter (Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr.) krŏngˈkīt, krŏnˈ– [key], 1916–2009, American news broadcaster, b. St. Joseph, Mo. He left (1935) the Univ. of Texas to write for the Houston Pre...


(Encyclopedia)Benaiah bēnāˈyə [key], in the Bible. 1 One of David's warriors, faithful in David's old age to Solomon. 2 Warrior under David. 3 Levite of the reign of Hezekiah. 4 Father of Pelatiah. ...


(Encyclopedia)Shephatiah shĕfətīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 One of David's mighty men. 2 Chief Simeonite under David. 3 Son of David. 4 Son of Jehoshaphat. 5 Prince in Jeremiah's time. 6 Shephathiah: Benjamite. ...

Beatty, David Beatty, 1st Earl

(Encyclopedia)Beatty, David Beatty, 1st Earl bēˈtē [key], 1871–1936, British admiral. He served with distinction in Egypt and Sudan (1896–98) and in the Boxer Uprising (1900) in China. Made rear admiral in 1...


(Encyclopedia)Azmaveth ăzmāˈvĕth [key], in the Bible. 1 One of David's mighty men. 2 David's treasurer, perhaps the same as 1. 3 Father of two of David's warriors. He may be the same as 1 or 2, or the name may ...

Alexander I, king of Scotland

(Encyclopedia)Alexander I, 1078?–1124, king of Scotland (1107–24), son of Malcolm III and St. Margaret of Scotland. He succeeded his brother Edgar, who had divided the kingdom so that Alexander ruled only N of ...


(Encyclopedia)Samuel, two books of the Bible, originally a single work, called First and Second Samuel in modern Bibles, and First and Second Kingdoms in the Septuagint. They are considered part of “Deuteronomist...


(Encyclopedia)Eliab ēlīˈăb [key], in the Bible. 1 Chief of the tribe of Zebulun. 2 Father of Dathan. 3 Brother of David. 4 Musician of David. 5 A follower of David. 6 The same as Elihu (1.) ...

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