Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Eliashib ĭlīˈəshĭb [key], in the Bible. 1 High priest. 2 Priest under David. 3 Descendant of David. ...


(Encyclopedia)Jonathan jŏnˈəthən [key] [short for Jehonathan, Heb.,=Yahweh has given]. 1 In the Bible, Saul's son and David's friend, killed at the battle of Mt. Gilboa. David showed kindness to his son Mephibo...

beer, alcoholic beverage

(Encyclopedia)beer, alcoholic beverage made by brewing and fermenting cereals, especially malted barley, usually with the addition of hops as a flavoring agent and stabilizer. One of the oldest of alcoholic beverag...


(Encyclopedia)Adonijah ădˌənīˈjə, ədŏnˈəjə [key], in the Bible, son of David. He sought the throne that David gave to the younger son, Solomon. Perhaps the same as Adonikam, a name in the lists of famili...


(Encyclopedia)Zebadiah zĕbˌədīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 Ally of David at Ziklag. 2 Officer of David. 3 Teacher of the Law. 4 High official of Jehoshaphat. Additional mention of this name is in First Chronicle...


(Encyclopedia)Ahithophel əhĭthˈəfĕl [key], in the Bible, David's counselor who joined with Absalom against David. He killed himself when Absalom ignored his counsel. He may have been the grandfather of Bath-sh...

Parr, Catherine

(Encyclopedia)Parr, Catherine, 1512–48, sixth queen consort of Henry VIII of England. She was the daughter of Sir Thomas Parr, an officeholder at the court, and had been twice widowed before Henry made her his wi...


(Encyclopedia)Nabal nāˈbəl [key], in the Bible, wealthy sheep owner who resisted David's attempt at extortion. David's anger was appeased by the blandishments of Abigail, Nabal's wife. ...


(Encyclopedia)Hanun hāˈnən [key], in the Bible. 1 King of Ammon. His insolent reception of David's messengers brought on a disastrous war. He may be the same as Shobi, an Ammonite who was kind to David. 2, 3 Two...


(Encyclopedia)Ziklag zĭkˈlăg [key], in the Bible, place of ancient Palestine, probably S of Beersheba, given to David by a Philistine ruler when he was in flight from Saul. David stayed there a while. ...

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