Columbia Encyclopedia

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134 results found

Petavius, Dionysius

(Encyclopedia)Petavius, Dionysius dīōnĭshˈēəs pētāˈvēəs [key], Fr. Denys Pétau, 1583–1652, French Jesuit theologian and philologist. His editions of late-Greek theological works are still important. H...

Celtic Church

(Encyclopedia)Celtic Church, name given to the Christian Church of the British Isles before the mission (597) of St. Augustine of Canterbury from Rome. Founded in the 2d or 3d cent. by missionaries from Rome or Gau...

Fort Matanzas National Monument

(Encyclopedia)Fort Matanzas National Monument: see Saint Augustine, Fla.; National Parks and Monuments, tablenational parks and monuments, table. ...

Te Deum laudamus

(Encyclopedia)Te Deum laudamus tē dēˈəm lôdāˈməs, tā dāˈo͝om loudäˈmo͝os [key] [Lat.,=we praise Thee, O God], early chant of the Western Church beginning, “We praise Thee, O God, we acknowledge The...

Æthelbert, king of Kent

(Encyclopedia)Æthelbert ĕˈthəlbərt, ă– [key], d. 616, king of Kent (560?–616). Although defeated by the West Saxons in 568, he became the strongest ruler in England S of the Humber River. His wife, Bertha...

Rule, Britannia

(Encyclopedia)Rule, Britannia, English patriotic song. The music was composed by Thomas Augustine Arne for his masque Alfred, first performed August 1, 1740, in commemoration of the accession of George I. The words...

San Gimignano

(Encyclopedia)San Gimignano sän jēmēnyäˈnō [key], town (1991 pop. 6,956), Tuscany, central Italy. It is a tourist center that has fully preserved its medieval aspect. The city walls, the palaces, and the cele...

Paulinus, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Paulinus, Saint pôlīˈnəs [key], d. 644, Italian missionary, bishop of York (625–33). He was a Roman monk who went to England with the mission of St. Augustine of Canterbury in 601. For some year...


(Encyclopedia)Pelagianism pəlāˈjənĭzəm [key], Christian heretical sect that rose in the 5th cent. challenging St. Augustine's conceptions of grace and predestination. The doctrine was advanced by the celebrat...

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