Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Timoleon tĭmōˈlēən [key], d. after 337 b.c., Greek statesman and general, noted as the scourge of tyrants. A Corinthian, he went (344) with a small army to Syracuse in answer to the appeal of the...

Dion of Syracuse

(Encyclopedia)Dion of Syracuse dīˈən [key], 409?–354? b.c., Sicilian Greek political leader, brother-in-law of Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse. He became interested in philosophy through his acquaintan...


(Encyclopedia)Philoxenus fĭlŏkˈsənəs [key], c.436–c.380 b.c., Greek dithyrambic poet, b. Cythera. Having fallen out of grace with the emperor Dionysius, he was imprisoned in Syracuse. There he wrote his Cycl...


(Encyclopedia)Damocles dămˈəklēz [key], in classical mythology, courtier at the court of Dionysius I. He so persistently praised the power and happiness of Dionysius that the tyrant, in order to show the precar...

Damon and Pythias

(Encyclopedia)Damon and Pythias dāˈmən, pĭthˈēəs [key], two youths whose loyalty to each other symbolizes true friendship. Pythias, a Pythagorean, condemned to death for plotting against Dionysius I of Syrac...

Denis, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Denis, Saint dĕnˈĭs, dənēˈ [key], fl. 3d cent.?, patron of France. He is said to have been first bishop of Paris and to have died a martyr on Montmartre. His shrine was Saint-Denis. The Latin of...


(Encyclopedia)Areopagite: see Dionysius the Areopagite, Saint. ...

Maximus, Saint

(Encyclopedia)Maximus, Saint, c.580–662, Greek theologian. He was secretary to Emperor Heraclius and subsequently abbot at the monastery of Chrysopolis. To curb Monotheletism he went to Rome and persuaded Pope St...


(Encyclopedia)Cithaeron sĭthēˈrən [key], Gr. Kithairón, mountain range, c.10 mi (16 km) long, central Greece, between Boeotia in the north and Attica in the south. It rises to 4,623 ft (1,409 m). The range was...

Syracuse, city, Italy

(Encyclopedia)Syracuse sĭrˈəkyo͞os, –kyo͞oz [key], Ital. Siracusa, city (1991 pop. 125,941), capital of Syracuse prov., SE Sicily, Italy, on the Ionian Sea. It has a port and is a market and tourist center. ...

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