Columbia Encyclopedia

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62 results found

Beccafumi, Domenico di Pace

(Encyclopedia)Beccafumi, Domenico di Pace dōmĕˈnēkō dē päˈchā bāk-käfo͞oˈmē [key], 1486–1551, Italian mannerist painter and sculptor, also called Il Meccherino. He studied painting in Siena and Rome...

Little Tennessee

(Encyclopedia)Little Tennessee, river, c.135 mi (220 km) long, rising in the Blue Ridge, NE Ga., and flowing generally NW across SW N.C. and through E Tenn. to the Tennessee River opposite Lenoir City. On the river...

Rainaldi, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Rainaldi, Carlo kärˈlō rīnälˈdē [key], 1611–91, Italian architect of the high baroque. He followed in the steps of the great Roman masters of baroque building, Bernini, Borromini, and Cortona...

Calvaert, Denis

(Encyclopedia)Calvaert, Denis or Denys both: dənēˈ kälˈvärt [key], 1540–1619, Flemish mannerist painter in Italy, where he was known as Il Fiammingo. He studied in Antwerp and later in Bologna under Prosper...

Saint Peter's Church

(Encyclopedia)Saint Peter's Church, Vatican City, principal and one of the largest churches of the Christian world. The present structure was built mainly between 1506 and 1626 on the original site of the Vatican c...

Scarlatti, Alessandro

(Encyclopedia)Scarlatti, Alessandro älĕs-sänˈdrō skärlätˈtē [key], 1660–1725, Italian composer. He may have studied with Carissimi in Rome, where his first opera was produced in 1679. In 1684 he went to ...

Benedetto da Majano

(Encyclopedia)Benedetto da Majano bānādĕtˈtō dä mäyäˈnō [key], 1442–97. Italian sculptor and architect of the Florentine school. His pulpits, altarpieces, and other church furniture are beautifully exec...

Amato, Giovanni Antonio d'

(Encyclopedia)Amato, Giovanni Antonio d' jōvänˈnē äntôˈnyō dämäˈtō [key], 1475–1555, Neapolitan painter, called Il Vecchio [the elder]. He imitated the style of Perugino. Paintings by him are in many ...

Giunta Pisano

(Encyclopedia)Giunta Pisano jo͞onˈtä pēzäˈnō [key], fl. 1236–1255, Italian painter of Pisa. Among his signed works are three very large depictions of the Crucifixion executed for the churches of San Ranier...

Gibbs, James

(Encyclopedia)Gibbs, James, 1682–1754, English architect, b. Scotland, studied in Rome under Carlo Fontana. Returning to England in 1709, he was appointed a member of the commission authorized to build 50 churche...

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