Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Barber, John Warner

(Encyclopedia)Barber, John Warner, 1798–1885, American engraver, b. East Windsor, Conn. He opened (1823) a business in New Haven, where he produced religious and historical books, illustrated with his own wood an...


(Encyclopedia)sirocco sərŏkˈō [key] [Ital., from Arab. sharq=east], hot, dust-laden, dry, southerly wind originating in the N African desert (most commonly in the spring) and reaching Italy and nearby Mediterra...


(Encyclopedia)Battle, town, East Sussex, SE England. The town grew up on the site (then a moorland) of the battle of Hastings (1066). The victorious William the Conqueror built Battle Abbey to commemorate the event...

Morgenthau, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Morgenthau, Henry môrˈgənthô [key], 1856–1946, American banker, diplomat, and philanthropist, b. Germany; father of Henry Morgenthau, Jr. He emigrated to the United States as a boy. Later, he pr...

Norfolk, county, England

(Encyclopedia)Norfolk nôrˈfək [key], county (1991 pop. 736,700), 2,054 sq mi (5,320 sq km), E England. The county seat is Norwich. Administratively, Norfolk is divided into the districts of Great Yarmouth, North...


(Encyclopedia)Mwanamutapa mwäˌnämo͞otäˈpä [key], former state, SE Africa. The Mwanamutapa empire, headed by a ruler of the same name, was founded c.1420 among the Karanga people (a subgroup of the Bantu-spea...

Oder-Neisse line

(Encyclopedia)Oder-Neisse line, frontier established in 1945 between Germany and Poland; it followed the Oder and W Neisse rivers from the Baltic Sea to the Czechoslovak border. The boundary, desired by most Poles ...


(Encyclopedia)Leeds, city and metropolitan borough (1991 pop. 445,242), N central England, on the Aire River. It lies between one of England's leading manufacturing regions on the west and south and an agricultural...

Kerch Strait

(Encyclopedia)Kerch Strait, shallow channel, c.25 mi (40 km) long, connecting the Sea of Azov with the Black Sea and separating Crimea in the west from Russia's Taman Peninsula in the east. Its northern end, openin...


(Encyclopedia)Cambridgeshire, county, 1,313 sq mi (3,402 sq km), E central England. The county seat is Cambridge. The county is divided into five administrative distr...

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