Columbia Encyclopedia

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463 results found

Huila, Nevado del

(Encyclopedia)Huila, Nevado del nāväˈdō dĕl hwēˈlä [key], snow-capped volcanic mountain, 17,594 ft (5,364 m) high, on the Huila-Tolima-Cauca dept. border, S central Colombia, in the N Andes. Located c.50 mi...

Szilard, Leo

(Encyclopedia)Szilard, Leo sĭˈlärd [key], 1898–1964, American nuclear physicist and biophysicist, born in Hungary. He was educated at the Budapest Institute of Technology and the Univ. of Berlin, receiving a d...


(Encyclopedia)CE5 isoleucine īˌsəlo͞oˈsēn [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the l-stereoisomer appears in mammalian protein. It is one of several es...


(Encyclopedia)Dada däˈdäĭzəm [key], international nihilistic movement among European artists and writers that lasted from 1916 to 1922. Born of the widespread disillusionment engendered by World War I, it orig...

Anand, Viswanathan

(Encyclopedia)Anand, Viswanathan, 1969–, Indian chess player. India's youngest national champion at the age of 16, he won the world junior championship and earned the title of grandmaster in 1987. Anand achieved ...

Fischer, Bobby

(Encyclopedia)Fischer, Bobby (Robert James Fischer) fĭshˈər [key], 1943–2008, American chess player, b. Chicago. In 1958, he became a grandmaster, the youngest to that time. In the Interzonal and Candidates' m...

Voznesensky, Andrei Andreyevich

(Encyclopedia)Voznesensky, Andrei Andreyevich əndrāˈ əndrāˈəvĭch vəznyəsyānˈskē [key], 1933–2010, Russian poet, b. Moscow. Voznesensky studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute and later became a...

crochet work

(Encyclopedia)crochet work krōshāˈ [key], form of knitting done with a hook, by means of which loops of thread or yarn are drawn through other, preceding loops. Crochet stitches are all based on the chain or sin...

Semyonov, Nikolay Nikolayevich

(Encyclopedia)Semyonov, Nikolay Nikolayevich, or Nikolai Nikolaevic Semenov, 1896–1986, Soviet physical chemist, Ph.D. Petrograd Univ., 1917. Semyonov was a professor at the Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute ...

Shmyhal, Denys Anatoliyovych

(Encyclopedia)Shmyhal or Shmygal, Denys Anatoliyovych, 1975–, Ukrainian politician. An engineer and economist, he worked in the private sector (1995–2009), then served in the state administration for Lviv Oblas...

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