Columbia Encyclopedia

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463 results found

King, Rufus

(Encyclopedia)King, Rufus, 1755–1827, American political leader, b. Scarboro, Maine (then a district of Massachusetts). He served briefly in the American Revolution and practiced law in Massachusetts before servi...

Moussorgsky, Modest Petrovich

(Encyclopedia)Moussorgsky, Modest Petrovich mədyĕstˈ pĕtrôˈvĭch mo͞osôrgˈskē [key], 1839–81, Russian composer. His name is also transliterated as Mussorgsky and Musorgsky. He was one of the first to pr...

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich

(Encyclopedia)Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich yĕvˌto͞oshĕngˈkō, Rus. yĭvgāˈnyē əlyĭksänˈdrəvĭch yĭvtəshĕnˈkō [key], 1933–2017, Russian poet, b. Zima Junction, Siberia. Along with Andrei V...

Primakov, Yevgeny Maksimovich

(Encyclopedia)Primakov, Yevgeny Maksimovich yĭvgyānˈyē mŭksyēˈməvyĭchˌ prēˌməkôfˈ [key], 1929–2015, Russian government official and economist, b. Kiev (now in Ukraine). An Arabic scholar, grad. (19...


(Encyclopedia)DDT or 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1,-trichloroethane, chlorinated hydrocarbon compound used as an insecticide. First introduced during the 1940s, it killed insects that spread disease and fed on crop...

Franklin, Aretha

(Encyclopedia)Franklin, Aretha, 1942–2018, American singer and pianist, b. Memphis. The daughter of the well-known minister C. L. Franklin, she began singing in the choir of his Detroit Baptist church, where she ...

Greely, Adolphus Washington

(Encyclopedia)Greely, Adolphus Washington, 1844–1935, American army officer and arctic explorer, b. Newburyport, Mass. Entering the Union army at 17, he emerged a brevet major of volunteers at the end of the Civi...


(Encyclopedia)go or i-go, a board game popular in Japan that probably originated in China or India as long ago as the third millennium b.c. The board is marked by a grid of 19 horizontal and 19 vertical lines to fo...


(Encyclopedia)Mayotte mīŏtˈ [key], island (2015 est. pop. 240,000), 144 sq mi (374 sq km), French departmental collectivity, Indian Ocean, in the Comoro chain. Mamoudzou is the capital and largest city. The land...

Tuamotu Archipelago

(Encyclopedia)Tuamotu Archipelago to͞oämōˈto͞o [key] or Low Archipelago, coral island group (2002 pop. 14,876), South Pacific, part of French Polynesia. They comprise c.80 atolls in a 1,300-mi (2,092-km) chain...

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