Columbia Encyclopedia

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Ranke, Leopold von

(Encyclopedia)Ranke, Leopold von lāˈōpôlt fən rängˈkə [key], 1795–1886, German historian, generally recognized as the father of the modern objective historical school. He applied and elaborated Barthold N...


(Encyclopedia)Beeri bē-ēˈrī [key], in the Bible. 1 Father of Esau's wife, Judith. 2 Father of Hosea, the prophet. ...


(Encyclopedia)Shaphan shāˈfăn [key], in the Bible. 1 Trusted secretary of King Josiah. He was the father of friends of Jeremiah and grandfather of Gedaliah. 2 Father of the idolatrous Jaazaniah. ...


(Encyclopedia)Ahitub əhīˈtəb [key], in the Bible. 1 Father of Ahimelech (1) and Ahijah (2.) 2 Father, or grandfather, of Zadok (1.) 3 Father of Zadok (5.) ...


(Encyclopedia)conscience, sense of moral awareness or of right and wrong. The concept has been variously explained by moralists and philosophers. In the history of ethics, the conscience has been looked upon as the...


(Encyclopedia)Hephaestus hĕfĕsˈtəs [key], in Greek religion and mythology, Olympian god. According to Homer he was the son of Hera and Zeus, but Hesiod states that he was conceived and borne by Hera alone. Orig...

horn, in zoology

(Encyclopedia)horn, in zoology, one of a pair of structures projecting from the head of a hoofed animal, used chiefly as a weapon. In cattle, sheep, Old World antelopes, and related animals the horns are permanent ...


(Encyclopedia)Habakkuk həbakˈək [key], prophetic book of the Bible. It is a collection of oracles, perhaps three in number, delivered against the backdrop of the Babylonian threat to Judah in c.600 b.c. The firs...

Amon, Egyptian deity

(Encyclopedia)Amon äˈmĕn [key], Egyptian deity. He was originally the chief god of Thebes; he and his wife Mut and their son Khensu were the divine Theban triad of deities. Amon grew increasingly important in Eg...


(Encyclopedia)Lunda lo͞onˈdə [key], ethnic group of central Africa. The Lunda speak a Bantu language and now live in S Congo (Kinshasa), E Angola, and N Zambia. In the 16th cent. Lunda living near the upper Lulu...

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