Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Sheppey, Isle of

(Encyclopedia)Sheppey, Isle of, c.30 sq mi (80 sq km), Kent, SE England, at the mouth of the Thames, separated from the mainland by The Swale, a narrow strait. It is largely flat, with wave-eroded cliffs to the nor...

Irish literary renaissance

(Encyclopedia)Irish literary renaissance, late 19th- and early 20th-century movement that aimed at reviving ancient Irish folklore, legends, and traditions in new literary works. The movement, also called the Celti...

beat generation

(Encyclopedia)beat generation, term applied to certain American artists and writers who were popular during the 1950s. Essentially anarchic, members of the beat generation rejected traditional social and artistic f...


(Encyclopedia)honeyguide, small plainly colored Old World bird of the family Indicatoridae, known for its habit of leading man and some lower animals (notably the honey badger) to the nests of wild bees. Honeyguide...


(Encyclopedia)Guiscard, Norman rulers in Sicily: see Robert Guiscard; Roger I. ...

child welfare

(Encyclopedia)child welfare, services provided for the care of disadvantaged children. Foundling institutions for orphans and abandoned children were the earliest attempts at child care, usually under religious aus...

Continental System

(Encyclopedia)Continental System, scheme of action adopted by Napoleon I in his economic warfare with England from 1806 to 1812. Economic warfare had been carried on before 1806, but the system itself was initiated...

Taylor, Sir Robert

(Encyclopedia)Taylor, Sir Robert, 1714–88, English architect. The son of a stonemason, he began his career as a sculptor's apprentice and was later employed to carve the pediment of Mansion House in London. He th...

Robert, Henry Martyn

(Encyclopedia)Robert, Henry Martyn, 1837–1923, American military engineer, b. Robertville, S.C., grad. West Point, 1857. He is best known as the author of a book on parliamentary law, Pocket Manual of Rules of Or...

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