Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Budé, Guillaume

(Encyclopedia)Budé, Guillaume gēyōmˈ büdāˈ [key], 1467–1540, French humanist, b. Paris. Budé, known also by the Latinized form of his name, Budaeus, was a towering figure of the Renaissance. He was secret...


(Encyclopedia)Lennoxville, town (1991 pop. 4,046), S Que., Canada, at the confluence of the St. Francis and Massawippi rivers, SE of Sherbrooke. It is chiefly a residential town and is the seat of Bishop's Univ. (1...

Medici, Giovanni de', 1498–1526, Italian condottiere

(Encyclopedia)Medici, Giovanni de', or Giovanni delle Bande Nere jōvänˈnē dĕlˈlā bänˈdā nāˈrā [key] [Ital.,=of the black bands], 1498–1526, Italian condottiere; great-grandson of Lorenzo de' Medici (...

Charles IX, king of France

(Encyclopedia)Charles IX, 1550–74, king of France. He succeeded (1560) his brother Francis II under the regency of his mother, Catherine de' Medici. She retained her influence throughout his reign. After 1570, ho...


(Encyclopedia)Amboise äNbwäzˈ [key], town, Indre-et-Loire dept., N central France, in Touraine, on the Loire. It is a wine and wool market, and its manufactures include sporting good...

Limousin, Léonard

(Encyclopedia)Limousin or Limosin, Léonard lāônärˈ lēmo͞ozăNˈ, lēmôzăNˈ [key], c.1505–c.1577, French painter in enamel, most celebrated member of a family of Limoges enamel artists. His earliest auth...

Bourbon, Charles, duc de

(Encyclopedia)Bourbon, Charles, duc de bo͞orbôNˈ [key], 1490–1527, constable of France and governor of Milan. He distinguished himself at the battle of Marignano (1515) in the Italian Wars between King Franci...

Primaticcio, Francesco

(Encyclopedia)Primaticcio, Francesco fränchāsˈkō prēmätētˈchō [key], 1504–70, Italian painter, called Le Primatice by the French. He was influenced by Correggio and by Michelangelo. As assistant to Giuli...

Forrest City

(Encyclopedia)Forrest City, city (2020 pop. 13,015), seat of St. Francis co., E central Ark., at the foot of Crowley's Ridge; inc. 1871. It is a rail and trade center...


(Encyclopedia)Highgate, residential area within Camden, Islington, and Haringey boroughs, London, England. The house where Francis Bacon died is in Highgate, and Herbert Spencer, George Eliot, and Karl Marx are bur...

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