Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Buckland, William

(Encyclopedia)Buckland, William, 1784–1856, English geologist. He was dean of Westminster from 1845. First to note in England the action of glacial ice on rocks, he did much to bring physical and natural science ...

Stratford, estate, United States

(Encyclopedia)Stratford, home of the Lee family, overlooking the Potomac River, E Va., SE of Fredericksburg. A national shrine dedicated in 1935, the site was purchased in 1716 by Thomas Lee, who built the mansion ...

Tarkenton, Fran

(Encyclopedia)Tarkenton, Fran (Francis Asbury Tarkenton), 1940–, American football player, b. Richmond. One of football's greatest passing quarterbacks, he established lifetime records (all surpassed by Dan Marin...

Bad Ischl

(Encyclopedia)Bad Ischl bät ĭshˈəl [key] or Ischl, city, in Upper Austria prov., W Austria, in the cent...

Pressburg, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia)Pressburg, Treaty of, 1805, peace treaty between Napoleon I of France and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II (also emperor of Austria), signed at Pressburg (now Bratislava, Slovakia). Defeated at Austerlit...

Bacon, Nathaniel

(Encyclopedia)Bacon, Nathaniel, 1647–76, leader of Bacon's Rebellion in colonial Virginia. An aristocrat (he was kin to Francis Bacon, had been educated at Cambridge and Gray's Inn, and was a member of the govern...

Valois, royal house of France

(Encyclopedia)Valois välwäˈ [key], royal house of France that ruled from 1328 to 1589. At the death of Charles IV, the last of the direct Capetians, the Valois dynasty came to the throne in the person of Philip ...

Cortina, Juan Nepomuceno

(Encyclopedia)Cortina, Juan Nepomuceno, 1824–94, Mexican military leader and politician. Born into a wealthy cattle-ranching family that moved to the Rio Grande Valley, Cortina joined the Mexican army in 1846 and...

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