Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Wolff, Christian von

(Encyclopedia)Wolff or Wolf, Christian von krĭsˈtyän fən vôlf [key], 1679–1754, German philosopher. One of the first to use the German language instead of Latin, he systematized and popularized the doctrines...

Wolfram von Eschenbach

(Encyclopedia)Wolfram von Eschenbach vôlˈfräm fən ĕshˈənbäkh [key], c.1170–c.1220, German poet. Perhaps the greatest of the German minnesingers, and one of the finest poets of medieval Europe. He was a kn...

Bennigsen, Rudolf von

(Encyclopedia)Bennigsen, Rudolf von ro͞oˈdôlf fən bĕnˈĭksən [key], 1824–1902, German political leader. A liberal nationalist from Hanover, he favored German unification under a democratic Prussian state. ...

von Braun, Wernher

(Encyclopedia)von Braun, Wernher vôn broun [key], 1912–77, German-American rocket scientist and astronautics engineer, b. Germany, grad. Berlin Technological Institute (B.S., 1932), Univ. of Berlin (Ph.D., 1934)...

von Euler, Ulf

(Encyclopedia)von Euler, Ulf, 1905–83, Swedish physiologist and pharmacologist, Ph.D. Karolinska Institute, 1930. He was a professor at the Karolinska Institute from 1930 to 1971. Von Euler won the 1970 Nobel Pri...

von Furstenberg, Diane

(Encyclopedia)von Furstenberg, Diane, 1946–, Belgian-American fashion designer, b. Brussels as Diane Simone Michelle Halfin. She began designing before moving to New York in 1969, and created simple, functional c...

von Klitzing, Klaus

(Encyclopedia)von Klitzing, Klaus, 1943–, German physicist, Ph.D. Univ. of Würzburg, 1972. He was a professor at the Technical Univ. of Munich (1980–85) and then director of the Max Planck Institute for Solid ...

Von Neumann, John

(Encyclopedia)Von Neumann, John noiˈmän [key], 1903–57, American mathematician, b. Hungary, Ph.D. Univ. of Budapest, 1926. He came to the United States in 1930 and was naturalized in 1937. He taught (1930–33)...

Von Sternberg, Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Von Sternberg, Joseph (Jo Sternberg), 1894–1969, Austrian-American film director and screenwriter. Von Sternberg, who worked in the United States from 1925, made films that were noted for their dazz...

Von Stroheim, Erich

(Encyclopedia)Von Stroheim, Erich (Hans Erich Marie Stroheim von Nordenaall) āˈrĭkh fən shtrōˈhīm [key], 1885–1957, Austrian-American film director, writer, and actor. He came to the United States in 1909,...

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