Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Berlin Philharmonic

(Encyclopedia)Berlin Philharmonic, orchestra, Berlin, Germany, founded 1882 by musicans who had left an ensemble led by Benjamin Bilse. The orchestra performs in the modernist Philharmonie concert hall (1963). Amon...

Opitz, Martin

(Encyclopedia)Opitz, Martin märˈtĭn ōˈpĭts [key], 1597–1639, leader of the Silesian school of German poetry. His influence as poet, critic, and metrical reformer was widely recognized during his time; he wa...


(Encyclopedia)egoism ēˈgōĭzəm [key], in ethics, the doctrine that the ends and motives of human conduct are, or should be, the good of the individual agent. It is opposed to altruism, which holds the criterion...

Maximilian, prince of Baden

(Encyclopedia)Maximilian, prince of Baden (Max of Baden), 1867–1929, German statesman, last chancellor of imperial Germany. A liberal, he was made imperial chancellor at the end of World War I as Germany neared d...

Winckler, Hugo

(Encyclopedia)Winckler, Hugo ho͞oˈgō vĭngkˈlər [key], 1863–1913, German Orientalist. A professor at the Univ. of Berlin, Winckler was noted for his archaeological work. He helped to excavate the Phoenician ...

Weber, Ernst Heinrich

(Encyclopedia)Weber, Ernst Heinrich vāˈbər [key], 1795–1878, German physiologist. He was a professor at the Univ. of Leipzig (1821–71) and is known for his work on touch and for the formulation of Weber's l...


(Encyclopedia)Schweinfurt shvīnˈfo͝ort [key], city (1994 pop. 55,284), Bavaria, central Germany, on the Main River. Manufactures include beer, steel, electronics, and motor vehicles. The city is the center of a ...

Lane, Sir Ralph

(Encyclopedia)Lane, Sir Ralph, c.1530–1603, leader of the first attempted English settlement in America, on Roanoke Island, N.C. Sent by Sir Walter Raleigh, the expedition of over 100 colonists left England in Ap...

Samsonov, Aleksandr Vasilyevich

(Encyclopedia)Samsonov, Aleksandr Vasilyevich əlyĭksänˈdər vəsēˈlyəvĭch səmsôˈnəf [key], 1859–1914, Russian general. Early in World War I, when his army advanced into East Prussia (see Masuria) in o...


(Encyclopedia)Orkhon ôrˈkŏn, ôr-khŏnˈ [key], river, c.300 mi (480 km) long, rising in the Khangai Mts., N central Republic of Mongolia, and flowing east, then north, past the site of ancient Karakorum, and th...

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