Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Crusius, Christian August

(Encyclopedia)Crusius, Christian August krĭsˈtēän ouˈgo͝ost kro͞oˈzēo͝os [key], 1715–75, German philosopher and theologian. He was educated at the Univ. of Leipzig, where he became professor of philosop...

Francke, August Hermann

(Encyclopedia)Francke, August Hermann ouˈgo͝ost hĕrˈmän frängˈkə [key], 1663–1727, German Protestant minister and philanthropist. In 1686, encouraged by Philipp Jakob Spener, he helped found the Collegium...

Andrée, Salomon August

(Encyclopedia)Andrée, Salomon August säˈlo͞omôn ouˈgəst ändrāˈ [key], 1854–97, Swedish polar explorer, grad. Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm. An aeronautical engineer and head of the Swedish patent...

Arrhenius, Svante August

(Encyclopedia)Arrhenius, Svante August sfänˈtə, ärāˈnēəs [key], 1859–1927, Swedish chemist. He was a professor of physics in Stockholm in 1895 and became director of the Nobel Institute for Physical Chemi...

Wittfogel, Karl August

(Encyclopedia)Wittfogel, Karl August kärl aüˈgo͝ost vĭtˈfōgül [key], 1896–1988, German historian and sinologist, Ph.D. Univ. of Frankfurt, 1928. In the 1920s and early 30s, he was an active member of the ...

Bürger, Gottfried August

(Encyclopedia)Bürger, Gottfried August gôtˈfrēt ouˈgo͝ost bürˈgər [key], 1747–94, German poet. He is best known for his ballads in folk-song style; the famous Lenore (1773) was widely translated and had ...

Afzelius, Arvid August

(Encyclopedia)Afzelius, Arvid August ärˈvēd ouˈgəst [key], 1785–1871, Swedish historian, mythologist, and songwriter. He made a notable collection of folk material in Swedish Folk Tunes from Olden Times (3 v...

Strindberg, Johan August

(Encyclopedia)Strindberg, Johan August strĭndˈbərg, Swed. yo͞oˈhän ouˈgəst strĭndˈbĕrˌyə [key], 1849–1912, Swedish dramatist and novelist. He was a master of the Swedish language and an innovator in ...

Riis, Jacob August

(Encyclopedia)Riis, Jacob August rēs [key], 1849–1914, Danish-American journalist, photographer, and social reformer, b. Denmark. He immigrated to the United States in 1870. In 1877 he became a police reporter f...

Otto, Nikolaus August

(Encyclopedia)Otto, Nikolaus August nēˈkōlous ouˈgo͝ost ôˈtō [key], 1832–91, German engineer. He was coinventor (1867) of an internal-combustion engine, and he devised (1876) the four-stroke Otto cycle, w...

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