Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Doughty, Charles Montagu

(Encyclopedia)Doughty, Charles Montagu dōˈtē, douˈtē [key], 1843–1926, English author and traveler. He is best known for his Travels in Arabia Deserta (1888), describing his life among the Bedouins. Now cons...

Dumouriez, Charles François

(Encyclopedia)Dumouriez, Charles François shärl fräNswäˈ dümo͞o-rēāˈ [key], 1739–1823, French general in the French Revolutionary Wars. After fighting in the Seven Years War, he was employed by King Lou...

Dana, Charles Anderson

(Encyclopedia)Dana, Charles Anderson dāˈnə [key], 1819–97, American newspaper editor, b. Hinsdale, N.H. He was a member of the Brook Farm community for five years. In 1847 he began 15 years on the New York Tri...

Darwin, Charles Galton

(Encyclopedia)Darwin, Charles Galton, 1887–1962, English physicist and administrator. Educated at Cambridge, he worked under Ernest Rutherford at Manchester, where he collaborated with H. G. J. Moseley in fundame...

Darwin, Charles Robert

(Encyclopedia)Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809–82, English naturalist, b. Shrewsbury; grandson of Erasmus Darwin and of Josiah Wedgwood. He firmly established the theory of organic evolution known as Darwinism. He st...

Daubigny, Charles-François

(Encyclopedia)Daubigny, Charles-François shärl-fräNswäˈ dōbēnyēˈ [key], 1817–78, French landscape painter. He went to Italy early in life and later studied in Paris with Paul Delaroche. Although usually ...

Craddock, Charles Egbert

(Encyclopedia)Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud. of Mary Noailles Murfree nō-īˈ [key], 1850–1922, American novelist, b. near Murfreesboro, Tenn. She wrote her best works about the mountain people of Tennessee, m...

Coughlin, Charles Edward

(Encyclopedia)Coughlin, Charles Edward kŏgˈlĭn [key], 1891–1979, Roman Catholic priest in the United States, b. Ontario, Canada, grad. Univ. of Toronto, 1916. After study at St. Michael's College, Toronto, he ...

Davenport, Charles Benedict

(Encyclopedia)Davenport, Charles Benedict dăvˈənpôrtˌ [key], 1866–1944, American zoologist, b. Stamford, Conn., Ph.D. Harvard, 1892. As director (1904–34) of the experimental station of Carnegie Institutio...

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