Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Magog, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Magog māˈgŏg [key], in the Bible. 1 Son of Japheth. 2 The land from which Gog, the eschatological enemy of the people of God, comes to wreak havoc on Israel. ...

Lydia, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Lydia lĭdˈēə [key], in the New Testament, Christian convert at whose house in Philippi Paul stayed. She was from Thyatira. ...

Lot, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Lot, in the Book of Genesis, the son of Abraham's brother Haran. Lot settled in Sodom and received a warning of its destruction. As he fled with his family, his wife, disobeying God's orders, looked b...

lily of the valley

(Encyclopedia)lily of the valley, common name for either of the two species of Convallaria, spring-blooming perennials of the family Liliaceae (lily family). C. majalis, the species usually in cultivation, is nativ...

Arpad, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Arpad ärˈpăd [key], in the Bible, unidentified city, probably in W central Syria. Hamath is always named with it. It is the Arphad in the Book of Isaiah. ...

Massa, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Massa măsˈə [key], in the Bible, seventh son of Ishmael. ...

Master of the Housebook

(Encyclopedia)Master of the Housebook (Meister des Hausbuchs), fl. 1475–1500, German graphic artist. The master is named for a series of vigorous and sophisticated drawings of everyday life found in the Hausbuch ...

Medan, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia)Medan mēˈdăn [key], in the Bible, son of Abraham and Keturah. ...

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