Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Rochefort, Victor Henri, marquis de Rochefort-Luçay

(Encyclopedia)Rochefort, Victor Henri, marquis de Rochefort-Luçay vēktôrˈ äNrēˈ rôshfôrˈ märkēˈ də rôshfôrˈ-lüsāˈ [key], 1831–1913, French journalist and politician. The editor of Le Figaro in...

Scaliger, Joseph Justus

(Encyclopedia)Scaliger, Joseph Justus skălˈĭjər [key], 1540–1609, French classical scholar. He was the son of Julius Caesar Scaliger, from whom he acquired his early mastery of Latin. He adopted Protestantism...

Rossi, Pellegrino Luigi Edoardo, Conte

(Encyclopedia)Rossi, Pellegrino Luigi Edoardo, Conte rôsˈsē [key], 1787–1848, Italian political leader and jurist. As a supporter of Joachim Murat, Rossi was obliged to flee Italy (1815) when Murat fell. He w...


(Encyclopedia)CERN or European Organization for Nuclear Research, nuclear and particle physics research center straddling the French-Swiss border W of Geneva, Switzerland. Established in 1952 as the provisional Eur...


(Encyclopedia)Eastbourne ēstˈbôrn [key], town and district, East Sussex, SE England. Eastbourne is a popular ...


(Encyclopedia)Charlottetown, city, capital and chief port of Prince Edward Island, E Canada, on the southern coast. Food processing, tourism, fishing, and farming are...

Abernathy, Ralph David

(Encyclopedia)Abernathy, Ralph David ăbˈərnăthˌē [key], 1926–90, American civil-rights leader, b. Linden, Ala. A Baptist minister, he helped Martin Luther King, Jr., organize the Montgomery bus boycott (195...

Foster, Sir George Eulas

(Encyclopedia)Foster, Sir George Eulas, 1847–1931, Canadian statesman, b. New Brunswick. He first entered the Canadian House of Commons in 1882 and later held a number of cabinet positions, including minister of ...

Gildersleeve, Virginia Crocheron

(Encyclopedia)Gildersleeve, Virginia Crocheron, 1877–1965, American educator, b. New York City, grad. Columbia (B.A., Barnard, 1899; Ph.D., 1908). She was professor of English at Barnard from 1900 to 1911, when s...

American Geographical Society

(Encyclopedia)American Geographical Society (AGS), oldest geographical society in the United States, founded 1852 in New York City. Its purpose is to advance the science of geography through discussion and publicat...

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