Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Lee, George Washington Custis

(Encyclopedia)Lee, George Washington Custis, 1832–1913, Confederate general in the American Civil War, b. Fort Monroe, Va.; eldest son of Robert E. Lee. He served in the Corps of Engineers until May, 1861, when h...

Mivart, St. George Jackson

(Encyclopedia)Mivart, St. George Jackson mīˈvərt [key], 1827–1900, English anatomist and biologist. He contributed important anatomical studies of the insectivores and carnivores. He was converted to Roman Cat...

Lewis, Sir George Cornewall

(Encyclopedia)Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 1806–63, English statesman and man of letters. Entering Parliament as a Liberal in 1847, he served as chancellor of exchequer (1855–58), home secretary (1859–61), an...

McClellan, George Brinton, Jr.

(Encyclopedia)McClellan, George Brinton, Jr., 1865–1940, American politician and educator, b. Dresden, Saxony, Germany; son of Gen. George B. McClellan. He studied law and joined (1889) Tammany Hall, becoming one...

Mallory, George Herbert Leigh

(Encyclopedia)Mallory, George Herbert Leigh mălˈərē [key], 1886–1924, English mountain climber. After some spectacular ascents in the Alps, he participated in the Everest expeditions of 1921, 1922, and 1924. ...

Lucas, George W., Jr.

(Encyclopedia)Lucas, George W., Jr., 1944–, American film director, producer, and writer, b. Modesto, Calif. Although Lucas's first film, THX-1138 (1970), was not successful, his next two, American Graffiti (1973...

McNaughton, Andrew George Latta

(Encyclopedia)McNaughton, Andrew George Latta məknôtˈən [key], 1887–1966, Canadian general, b. Saskatchewan. An artillery officer in World War I, he was later (1929–35) Canadian chief of staff. In World War...

Harvey, George Brinton McClellan

(Encyclopedia)Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, 1864–1928, American journalist and diplomat, b. Peacham, Caledonia co., Vt. After a career in journalism and insurance, he became involved in the construction and a...

Healy, George Peter Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Healy, George Peter Alexander, 1813–94, American painter, b. Boston. He began painting portraits at the age of 18 and, disregarding background, concentrated on producing a good likeness. Examples of...

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