Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Shaw, George Bernard

(Encyclopedia)Shaw, George Bernard, 1856–1950, Irish playwright and critic. He revolutionized the Victorian stage, then dominated by artificial melodramas, by presenting vigorous dramas of ideas. The lengthy pref...

Romney, George Wilcken

(Encyclopedia)Romney, George Wilcken rŏmˈnē [key], 1907–95, U.S. public official, b. Mexico, of American parents. He worked (1920–30) as a Senate staff tariff specialist and then entered industry. He became ...

Rooke, Sir George

(Encyclopedia)Rooke, Sir George ro͝ok [key], 1650–1709, English admiral. In the War of the Grand Alliance he defeated a French fleet under the comte de Tourville in the battle of La Hogue (1692) and by good judg...

Root, George Frederick

(Encyclopedia)Root, George Frederick, 1820–95, American composer, b. Sheffield, Mass. He taught at schools in Boston and New York City. He wrote gospel songs and composed sentimental ballads to Fanny Crosby's lyr...

Segal, Jr., George

(Encyclopedia) Segal, George, Jr., 1934-2021, American actor, b. New York City, Columbia Univ. (B.A., 1955). Raised in Great Neck, Long Island, Segal began his caree...

Selwyn, George Augustus

(Encyclopedia)Selwyn, George Augustus sĕlˈwĭn [key], 1809–78, English prelate. In 1841 he was appointed to the colonial diocese of New Zealand, becoming the first Anglican bishop of the island. Having prepared...

Simpson, Sir George

(Encyclopedia)Simpson, Sir George, 1792?–1860, governor of the Hudson's Bay Company in Canada (1821–56), b. Scotland. In 1820 he was sent by the Hudson's Bay Company to Canada, where he took charge of the impor...

Simpson, George Gaylord

(Encyclopedia)Simpson, George Gaylord, 1902–84, American paleontologist and zoologist, b. Chicago, Ph.D. Yale, 1926. He became assistant curator of vertebrate paleontology at the American Museum of Natural Histor...

Smith, George Elwood

(Encyclopedia)Smith, George Elwood, 1930–, American physicist, b. White Plains, N.Y., Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1959. Smith was a researcher at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., from 1959 until his retiremen...

Smith, George Pearson

(Encyclopedia)Smith, George Pearson, 1941–, American biologist, b. Norwalk, Ct., Ph.D. Harvard, 1970. Smith has been a professor at the Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, since 1975 (emeritus since 2015). He shared hal...

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