Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Achelous, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Achelous ăkˌəlōˈəs [key], in Greek mythology, river god; son of Oceanus and Tethys. He possessed the power to appear as a bull, a serpent, or a bullheaded man. Hercules defeated him and broke of...

Narcissus, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Narcissus närsĭsˈəs [key], in Greek mythology, beautiful youth who refused all offers of love, including that of Echo. As punishment for his indifference he was made to fall in love with his own i...

nymph, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)nymph nĭmf [key], in Greek mythology, female divinity associated with various natural objects. It is uncertain whether they were immortal or merely long-lived. There was an infinite variety of nymphs...

Autolycus, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Autolycus, in Greek mythology, the son of Hermes, from whom he received special powers in thieving and trickery. According to one legend Autolycus stole from Sisyphus, who revenged himself by seducing...

Nestor, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Nestor nĕsˈtər [key], in Greek mythology, wise king of Pylos; son of Neleus and father of Antilochus. In the Iliad, Nestor went with the Greeks to the Trojan War, and although he had lived three ge...

Medusa, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Medusa mədo͞oˈsə [key], in Greek mythology, most famous of the three monstrous Gorgon sisters. She was once a beautiful woman, but she offended Athena, who changed her hair into snakes and made he...

Mentor, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Mentor mĕnˈtər, –tôrˌ [key], in Greek mythology, friend of Odysseus and tutor of Telemachus. On several occasions in the Odyssey, Athena assumes Mentor's form to give advice to Telemachus or Od...

Linus, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Linus, in Greek mythology. 1 Son of Apollo and Psamathe of Argos. He was deserted by his mother on a hillside and devoured by dogs. When Psamathe's father learned what his daughter had done, he had he...

Leda, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia)Leda lēˈdə [key], in Greek mythology, daughter of Thestios, king of Aetolia, and wife of Tyndareus, king of Sparta. According to most legends, she was seduced by Zeus, who visited her in the form o...

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