Columbia Encyclopedia

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Clews, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Clews, Henry, c.1836–1923, American financier, b. England. He emigrated to the United States c.1850 and joined an import business as a junior clerk. In 1859 he cofounded the banking firm that later ...

Fielding, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Fielding, Henry, 1707–54, English novelist and dramatist. Born of a distinguished family, he was educated at Eton and studied law at Leiden. Settling in London in 1729, he began writing comedies, fa...

Fawcett, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Fawcett, Henry fôˈsət [key], 1833–84, English economist and statesman. A follower of John Stuart Mill, he was professor of political economy at Cambridge, and his Manual of Political Economy (186...

Ireton, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Ireton, Henry īˈərtən [key], 1611–51, English parliamentary general; son-in-law of Oliver Cromwell. He held various commands in the parliamentary army during the first civil war (see English civ...

Hudson, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Hudson, Henry, fl. 1607–11, English navigator and explorer. He was hired (1607) by the English Muscovy Company to find the Northeast Passage to Asia. He failed, and another attempt (1608) to find a ...

Inman, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Inman, Henry, 1801–46, American portrait, genre, and landscape painter, b. Yorkville, N.Y., studied with John Wesley Jarvis. He was a founder and first vice president of the National Academy of Desi...

Hunt, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Hunt, Henry, 1773–1835, English radical politician. A powerful orator, popular with the laboring classes, Hunt was quarrelsome and stubborn but a sincere proponent of electoral and other reforms. He...

Howe, Henry

(Encyclopedia)Howe, Henry, 1816–93, American historian, b. New Haven, Conn. Howe is known for his Historical Collections of the State of New York (1841), Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey (1845), ...

Henry, Alexander

(Encyclopedia)Henry, Alexander, two fur traders, uncle and nephew, of the Old Northwest, each of whom left a valuable journal of his travels and experiences. Alexander Henry, the elder, 1739–1824, b. New Brunswic...

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